8 Epic Tank Battles

Watch with us this compilation of our curated selection of our earlier videos. During the Premiere and 15 mins afterwards we'll be on the chat to answer any questions you have.

00:52 Fray Bentos
08:04 The Char B1
13:39 Tank Alley
20:08 War Daddy
27:56 Rampaging Tiger
38:17 King Tiger Kamikaze
46:57 Cologne Tank Duel
54:43 M26 vs T34-85

Follow along with us on 8 of the best tank battles that Yarnhub has covered. From our old early 3D animations right up to the present day. We'll be back next week with our regular films.

Yarnhub uses the Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. “Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998 – 2023, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.”

コメント (21)
  • @Yarnhub
    Ask us anything. Let us have any questions here or in the chat !
  • @deadmut11
    Your old animations are definitely special, you guys have carved out your own place in an endless sea of normal CG animations
  • I don’t know why but for some reason that image of the Frey Bentos rusting away in the middle of a poppy field just hit different
  • I loved the German soldier riding the tiny Kübelwagen down the ditch, during the haystack scene in the KV-1 ambush clip
  • You could do one on king Tiger 314. The last Tiger of Ww2. It’s crew commanded by Georg Diers held off in Berlin against the Soviet onslaught and managed to destroy 39 Soviet tanks including Is2s and T34s. The crew after that tried to lead a breakout assault, but was disabled by a German mine.
  • My great grandfather was the commander of a firefly, and he landed on D-Day in the six day and seeing all these incredible feats of bravery really makes me think what he saw at the battle of hill 355 Edit hill 355 is in Korea he was at the battle of Battle of Verrières Ridge
  • First ones were your baby steps but they were unique. Your 2nd gen animation is like the 3D versions of the first ones, your latest animations are something completely different. I draw stuff like tanks and planes etc. I used to draw 2D as well. Then they turned into 3D versions of the first ones then boom different and almost perfect style. It's all about improving we all go through these phases.
  • The first few animations give so much nostalgia and reminds me why I absolutely love this channel and how this channel has influenced my love for history and I can’t ever explain my love for this channel with words
  • just noticed the Star Wars theme at 15:00 when you say they have the highground, amazing attention to detail!!
  • As a long time fan of yarnhub, I am very happy to see the team improve over the years, hope you guys have a great day and I can't wait for what super awesome animations you guys will make in the near future
  • @jdeck306
    I’m deeply impressed by your ability to publish a new video every week! The quality of your animations keeps improving, spectacularly so, but I wonder, doesn’t this also greatly increase the effort required to create these brilliant animations?
  • Cant wait to revisit old tank battles from you guys!
  • Would love to see a focus on older battles some day. Something like the Roman battle of Alesia / siege of Alesia. Julius Caesars army built dual lines of fortifications – an inner wall to keep the besieged Gauls in, and an outer wall to keep the Gallic relief force out. It is considered one of Caesar's greatest military achievements and a classic example of siege warfare. Keep up the awesome work I love all yours vids, Especially the tank ones!
  • Well done again YarnHub - you keep upping your game. As an Army veteran & ex-tanker I have a lot of love for armor especially as a big Military history buff. Around @46:57 is The Cologne tank duel which was a famous encounter & there are even books & documentaries on it. There’s a recent book called “Spearhead” that deals with this famous tank duel. There is a film about it too that details a lot of the story prior to the incident & also deals with a lot of the peripheral stories. There was a sad incident that happened peripherally. A grocery story owner was fleeing in a civilian car with one of his young clerks who was a beautiful young German girl. In the chaos they were shot at but not sure who was responsible for her death. In the documentary her sister recounts losing her sister right near the war’s end & how both the American & German tank gunners shot at the vehicle mistaking it for a military vehicle. Tank optics back then were obviously not nearly good as they are today. Also, optics might have played a part in the Panther not shooting besides - case of mistaken identity. Vehicle identification is a serious thing in armor. You have to know what to shoot & not to shoot so you study vehicles incessantly to the point where you know small distinguishing features of vehicles like an exhaust port to road wheel spacing. Fratricide or friendly fire was and is a problem & a really horrific thing across the board. Imagine killing friendly soldiers. It’s be a terrible emotional & psychological burden. Around @52:47 I’m glad that you put in the small detail of the Panthers tank commander giving the order not to fire at the Pershing. The Pershing was brand new & only a handful were in the European Theater at the time. The German’s only knew the US had the inferior & smaller Sherman which was easy to ID. They didn’t likely know about the Pershing yet or the Americans having a heavy medium tank. So in those WW2 era optics & with naked eye scanning, at even a relatively short distance it’d be hard to ID. The urban environment which tanks are poorly suited for likely aided them. The Pershing had a basic overall outline of a Tiger which is another little thing that probably made the misidentification happen. At any rate the German crew acted a little arrogantly & should have had their full frontal armor facing down that street & they definitely shouldn’t have stayed stationary at an intersection with a flank exposed. The Pershing’a gunner got like 3 center mass shots in quickly. Brutal, brutal stuff. People’s don’t realize that besides the gun, the ammunition matters a lot too & they fired some nasty KE rounds at them. I think most of the Panther crew survived which is astonishing actually. The survivor’s got lucky because shrapnel especially on the inside, called spawl is some nasty, nasty stuff. Apparently the Panther burned for 2-3 days because it was loaded up on ammo & fuel. Good stuff YarnHub. Love it all but I really love all the tank stuff & I have a soft spot for aerial combat. If I was a teacher teaching WW2 history I’s definitely show YarnHub clips to the class for learning. It’s historically accurate & the cool narration along with the amazing animation makes it very engaging which I would think would help in getting students enthusiastic about the topics. Thanks agin🙂
  • @eli478
    I like the little realistic touches you add like that German soldier slipping in the mud. All the small things accumulate into a masterpiece.
  • Seeing the old animations again gives a nice bit of nostalgia, alongside a full hour of content!
  • @MaxCat07
    I remember watching your videos when they came out as 2D. I remember when I wasn't happy with the transitions to 3D, but then I loved them anyway, and now they are just incredible quality. Thank you for your videos:virtualhug:
  • the people who regard your early animation as lesser, are simply wrong. Animation is hard work and your channel is providing a service that cannot be measured in simple comments