What Makes a Good Abstract Painting?

Published 2020-01-16
I often meet artists who are frustrated with their attempts to make abstract paintings. They feel a pull towards abstraction, but they don't like the results. I believe there are two reasons why this happens... a) lack of clear intention and b) lack of knowledge in a few key areas. The good news is that both can easily be fixed. The issue is NOT a lack of talent ... you just need a little bit more information.

I am on a mission to help artists find their own unique voice and make exciting, original artwork that is truly unique. If this sounds exciting, join my weekly artist's newsletter at www.louisefletcherart.com/contact

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All Comments (21)
  • I cannot remember when I last learned so much in eight minutes - a deeply rewarding experience - very many thanks.
  • 😁🖌️I painted two abstracts in my journal and was listening to a wonderful CD of orchestra and a very upbeat violinist my mother sent me they were colorful and very gestural. When my friend saw them ...she said , "I see music." I turned the pages and showed her they were named Music #1 and Music #2. It was really amazing to me that she saw it!
  • You just narrated what I’ve been feeling since starting serious abstract about a month ago. This is great. Thank you.
  • @leetravathan
    This past weekend, I did an abstract landscape that is, to me, the best I have ever done. Only my husband "got it"... and I did not care. I GOT IT!!! And I loved the play in it, as well as the outcome.
  • Oh my goodness I needed to hear this. I have been practicing for years and have never liked any of my paintings. I've almost given up many times, but I always come back to it. Thank you so much!
  • The most important thing that makes a good abstract painting is that it induces emotion!
  • Thank you so much for what you said. You said it with great heart and clarity, and you made excellent points. It's generous of you to share these deep, important thoughts with your fellow artists.
  • @pattremaine9376
    Your comments totally resonate! Emotional history to a landscape. Thanks
  • Thank you so much. I do agree that there are lots of "easy abstract" videos on Youtube and those are misleading and give poor results. I was happy to learn from this video, that i am not the only one being frustrated after hours spent on a canva and ending up with a "muddy mess".
  • This is so helpful, Louise! Thank you! You are like a mind reader! Exactly what I needed right now. As well as your compare and despair message. My week will be better because of your help. You rock! 👍🎨💜
  • @sallyalogan7479
    This is so interesting, I took Nicholas’s free course, but at the time I was still doing representational paintings and didn’t really understand his teachings. I saved all the sessions and will now go back and rewatch them with a much more open mind! Thank you Louise.
  • I absolutely love your perspective. Whenever I get stuck, I watch some of your videos and they really help me get back on track.
  • @suesutcliffe335
    This was such an amazing eye opener for me in so many ways! especially in regards to digging deeper into the "why" of what inspires me. i have taken many photography of nature over the years and looking at them i know exactly why I took the photo. I so enjoy the process of painting the challenge now seems to be something about putting that together with the why. thanks !!
  • ‘It’s the emotional resonance that sells the work” - 👍 that hit me in the ❤️ thank you and God bless.
  • Thank you! I love painting abstract! Practicing in my journals is great. I often paint representational abstract, and sometimes just color, textures and shapes and lines. Pastes and gels are my favorite!
  • @kerryurech
    Louise, thank you so much for this extremely informative video. Thanks also for your open and honest attitude about art. Love your work!
  • @davecameron5355
    What a clear explanation. Much food for thought for a novice like myself. So pleased that I came across your video. Thank you so much
  • I’ve just watched this video again, on the eve of your 2021 Find Your Joy free course. It makes even more sense to me now. When I watched it a month ago, the forsythias were in full bloom, and the sight of the brilliant yellow in front of the old, deep red, brick houses down our street filled me with joy every morning when I walked the dog. That memory is still very present with me, and I’m confident that the free course, and then the full course after that will help me to express that feeling on canvas. I can hardly wait! ❤️
  • It IS difficult...and I thought I was doing it wrong because it is hard...this has liberated me!