Just Happened! Toyota STUNNING 1000 Miles Solid State Battery SHOCKS Elon Musk & Tesla EVs

Just Happened! Toyota STUNNING 1000 Miles Solid State Battery SHOCKS Elon Musk & Tesla EVs
03:11 Why are solid-state batteries called “Tesla killers”?
05:09 What is the charging capacity of solid state batteries?
07:42 How Safe Are Solid State Batteries?
10:16 What makes solid-state batteries slow?
Just Happened! Toyota STUNNING 1000 Miles Solid State Battery SHOCKS Elon Musk & Tesla EVs. If you could own an electric car that can travel more than 700 miles on a single charge, still retains nearly its full battery capacity after three years, can operate normally in various temperatures, can be recharged in 10 minutes, and is priced similarly to a combustion engine car, it's hard to refuse such a vehicle.
Just Happened! Toyota STUNNING 1000 Miles Solid State Battery SHOCKS Elon Musk & Tesla EVs. That's the scenario that would impact consumers when a revolutionary battery type is about to be mass-produced, and Elon Musk may soon bring it to Tesla as solid-state batteries are seen as revolutionary for the electric vehicle range, something he's striving to achieve. If Elon Musk ignores this type of battery, Tesla will surely suffer a significant setback because at least three other automakers have invested heavily in it.
Just Happened! Toyota STUNNING 1000 Miles Solid State Battery SHOCKS Elon Musk & Tesla EVs. You might not believe it, and neither do we, but the truth is undeniable. So why is battery pose a threat to Tesla 4680 battery?

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subcribe: bit.ly/3i7gILj

コメント (21)
  • @TeslaCarWorld
    Toyota's solid-state battery is very promising with high energy density, fast charging and safety. However, the production and commercialization process as well as use for electric vehicles is still a big question, there are still many difficulties because this is a new battery technology and needs a lot of research. Thank you for watching today's episode !
  • @zilla85
    If Toyota really had this tech, they wouldn't prefer combustion engines and PHEVs.
  • @6NBERLS
    Nothing has "just happened". They are attempting to make these batteries but have not yet done so. The video is laced with all variations of "if" and "may" spiced with actual facts. It is essentially hopeful hype disguised as news.
  • Just how many times is Toyota going to claim that they will have these solid state batteries in just a couple years? Putting Tesla Killer in the title is just more click bait. Toyota just caught cheating on safety tests. Toyota should be ashamed.
  • A thousand mile battery in an affordable car? Sign me up! Excuse me for a moment I have to go brush the unicorns.
  • Wow, the idea of solid-state batteries is a real game-changer for EVs! Can't wait to see how this unfolds.
  • @jimgraham6722
    Toyotas solid magnetohydronium 1,000 mile batteries are gamechangers
  • This video does not actually describe a 1000 mile solid state battery produced by Toyota, only a theoretical product that Toyota says it has been working on for years. They have yet to demonstrate a prototype product outside the research lab. In fact, such a battery is more likely to be produced by CATL or one of the other battery companies in China, where the huge market and insane competition is driving innovation.
  • @frcgfd107
    Good Luck to everyone researching solid state batteries and I look forward to seeing them hit the street!
  • Toyota's ambition with solid-state batteries is admirable. Let's see if they can back it up with results.
  • Toyota’s solid-state battery goals are ambitious. I hope they can achieve them.
  • It's great to see Toyota innovating with solid-state batteries, but I hope they can keep the costs down.
  • I'm excited to see more competition in the EV market. Solid-state batteries might be what we need.
  • Toyota’s claims about solid-state batteries are bold. I hope they can deliver on their promises.
  • I hope solid-state batteries can address the safety concerns of current lithium-ion batteries.
  • Solid-state batteries offer a lot of potential, but the high cost is a big concern.
  • I love the idea of longer battery life and faster charging, but the cost needs to be reasonable too.
  • The potential for solid-state batteries is huge, but there’s still a long road ahead.