Feel like time is speeding up? There's an unexpected reason!

Publicado 2024-05-19
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @thesjkexperience
    Time goes faster as you get older. After 6 decades I use the clock as a fan. 😂
  • My 18 year old son.. says time is going fast... when I was his age it felt slow 😲
  • several people have mentioned to me that time is speeding up ., and I feel it myself.
  • Look at this year 2024 already almost half way. Its like i skipped 3 months
  • @Glower22x4
    I am 63 and retired, I live alone, I thought I would die of boredom, loneliness, corona disease but NO, there is so much to know, so much to enjoy, so much to see and I seem to actually run out of time every week 😢
  • Growing up in the 80's the summer holidays just seemed to last forever,
  • My 9 yr old grand daughter commented on how fast a week goes by, when I was 9 a week seemed so long.😮
  • At 64, I absolutely feel time moving faster, but as time is a man made construct, and we are Eternal consciousness, I'm sure it'll all work out perfectly. ❤
  • The decade of the 1950's seemed like a lifetime that would never end, then the past 60 years have flashed by so fast I want to scream STOP.
  • @mikemartin333
    Yes, I agree that time is speeding up. The holy scriptures mention about the shortening of the days as we approach the end of the age.
  • @tigerscott2966
    Time is moving faster because the earth is in the 4th dimension now. WE see everything they do... WE are not afraid of the light... WE stand for all that is Right! Peace.
  • I've been feeling like time is speeding too fast for some time now. I haven't been able to make sense or articulate my feelings but I certainly feel it
  • I feel like time is speeding up, I also feel like I’ve been living a dream like state of mind too. I’ve also had deja vu quite frequently, along with dreams that I’ve dreamt before.
  • I've been saying this for a good 5-7+ years now - and I mean ESPECIALLY & UNUSUALLY fast! A day is gone in 2-3 hours, 1 week is gone in a day or two (tops), a month barely lasts a week, and years go by in what used to seem like 2-3 months max. Time is 1000000% speeding up! One day during the planned-demic while I was working at home sitting at my dining room table (which I used as my desk during that time), I'll never forget this - it was 7:45 am CST and what LITERALLY seemed like maybeeee an hour went by, looking up at my clock, thinking it was probably 8:45/9:00 am - I about shxx myself when my clock read 11:45 am!!! I simply could not believe 4 HOURS had passed by - it didn't seem possible in any way. I was shocked to my core. I'll NEVER forget that and have shared that with friends & family and they, of course, believed me since they know I don't lie. Even if I were someone that lied, I wouldn't lie about something like that?! Makes no sense...lol. 😁
  • @cyber6sapien
    Remember DVDs? Feels like we started and stopped using those in the blink of an eye!
  • @1Infeqaul1
    It is also referred to as " The quickening" the end of evil mankind.
    I believe it’s technology. Everyone’s life moves faster. Everything has to be done in a split second. No one takes any time to just live their life. Just smell a flower, enjoy sunset…really enjoy. Not just sit there and look. Hardly anyone bakes their own bread, cooks over an open fire, all the old-school way of life. Actually be one with nature.