What if Horus Never Betrayed the Emperor? | Warhammer 40k Lore

Published 2022-06-24
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The Horus Heresy shaped the setting of 40k, making it incredibly grimdark. So what would have happened if Horus never betrayed the Emperor?

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All Comments (21)
  • @majorkill
    TLDR : pretty much everyone has a better time, especially Angron because he gets to die At least its a better time till the Necrons wake up Grab the lord of the Night here : majorkill.com/ Or grab your ding dong here : www.patreon.com/majorkill
  • Majorkill you should make a video on the what the roles of each primarch would be if they all stayed loyal oh wait the mad lad actually fufilled my request thanks majorkill 😁
  • @MR.LMR1996
    Would love to hear more stuff like this. Such as what would've happened if Big-E didn't purge the Thunder Warriors after the Unification Wars, and kept them in cold storage as a trump card for something he couldn't rely on the Primarchs, Marines or Custodians for. Or if Ferrus managed to kill Fulgrim during the Dropsite Massacre.
  • I weirdly imagine Lorgar and angron would still transform into daemon primarchs after their death, as they would essentially be the only traitor primarchs, but without enough strength from daemons or mortals, they’d essentially be playing checkers in hell out of frustration for not being able to do anything meaningful
  • I imagine the difference between Dorn and Perty is Dorn would make a lot of functional things, he builds grand highways and space stations, while Perty builds amazing museums, galleries, aqariums, they work together to make the most effective pleasure world where Perty builds the things for pleasure and Rogal builds the ways to get from one to another, so members of the imperium can experience everything the planet has to offer in a short visit. This would together be their magnum opus, however they screwed up and didnt realise humans dont like to be rushed through a bunch of different things so nobody really visits the planet.
  • @Ghostwolf82
    MajorKill: ‘What if Horus never betrayed the Emperor?’ Me: ‘Well, he’d have more hair for a start.’
  • Small adjustments: Since Perty, Vulkan, and Ferrus would be best buds. I figured that their relationship develops fast enough that they develop the technology to remove Angron's Butcher's Nails and free him from his suffering. As he is set free from his accursed condition, his rage slowly but surely fades. Wrath replaced by remorse, brutality replaced a soothing calm nature, and finally fulfilling his destiny as the one to rehabilitate Fulgrim from his madness. Angron: Brother, that lust, those extreme emotions you feel, are they not poison to you? Fulgrim, unable to answer properly looks around the Golden Halls of the Palace of the Emperor, sweating and fidgeting. Angron notices Fulgrim's mannerisms, and recalls his past fits of rage. Fulgrim then asks: Brother, how did you ever recover from what happened to you? What happened to all of the slaves you fought beside? To all of your sons having those abominable nails forced upon their heads? Agron then answers: I haven't, and I never will. But now that I am free from the Butcher's Nails, I can help others be free from the sadness and rage they feel... And I can help you, that is most important to me now. We couldn't save Lorgar from himself and Chaos, but I can bring you towards the warmth that is Humanity's light against the darkness of Chaos. Fulgrim, in tears. As the Angron he knew, would never utter such sincere and kind words before. Fulgrim: I.... Brother, can I truly be saved? Can I truly be free? Am I worthy to be free? Angron: We are brothers, we are family, we are free. It's just up for you to decide when you take flight again, Phoenecian and Lord of the Emperor's Children. Fulgrim at a loss of words again, hugs Angron tightly. Angron, hugs Fulgrim back patting his back and kissing Fulgrim's forehead. Angron: It will take a long time for you to heal, let alone be free. But I will be here, now let us meet Father. He told us there was a disturbance somewhere in the farthest regions of the Galaxy, oddly enough. A world was completely deprived of its natural life... Angron and Fulgrim walk inside the Golden Halls of the Imperial Palace, as the Phoenecian and as the newly appointed Emperor's Compassion... Also the other change would be that because the Orks have been driven to near extinction, they would get a sudden burst of technological advancements and evolve rapidly in a couple hundred years. Becoming Demi-Krorks, adding fuel to the Necrons deciding the Imperium as a designated enemy of all Necrons. The Eldar's magical prowess being far more powerful now that Slaneesh is deprived of any source of "nutrition". The Tau would catch up to Necron and Imperium technology alike, some Xeno races inside of the Tau Empire begin to slowly adapt to more robust features as an incoming war that would dwarf the galaxy as a whole was approaching, Chaos decides to have a truce, something that would never happen. But now that they are desperate for power, band under a single banner under Chaos. The Emperor, would nowhere near be as powerful as he is in the current lore. Seek out powerful Psykers such as Eldrad to aid him in the quest of power not for himself, but for the Imperium at large. With the Emperor, Malcador, Magnus, Eldrad, and more powerful Psykers reaching to a singular conclusion. The Emperor's ascension to Godhood, but of the Material Realm and Immaterium. It would take them thousands of years to even achieve a fraction of canon Big E's power, but it woud be necessary. For soon, Mars would face the greatest Ctan to ever exist. The Void Dragon rapidly advances the technological prowess of Mars, feeding off of its technology, knowledge, and faith. Only the most powerful of Psykers would notice the sudden surge of rumbles inside Mars being the Void Dragon freeing itself from the shackles of Mars and the Emperor. But it is too late, the Void Dragon was now at the core of Mars. Absorbing its energy and momentarily stops Mars rotation. At the moment, the Emperor orders the evacuation of Mars. He and other psykers make a portal directly inside the Human Webway for the Adeptus Mechanicus, then BANG! Mars explodes in a violent and disastrous way that parts of it enters the Webway, killing many Adeptus Mechanicus members and civilians alike. But that was not the worst of it, for the Void Dragon is free. With a loud roar, it awakens all slumbering Ctan shards and wandering Ctans in the Galaxy. The Silent King, quickly moves as he fears the worst would come for his people, the rage of the Ctan. All TombWorlds light up in a jade green glow, awakening all soldiers of war that they needed, but it was not enough. He had to unite the still egotistical Necrons, finding it difficult but would soon succeed. After thousands of years, it has begun. The Necron Empire has resurfaced, the Tau Empire advances in its technology and military power, the Eldar lead by Eldrad and Yvraine the Visarch of Ynnead, the Orks now Demi-Krorks marches towards Terra and Eldar MaidenWorlds, Chaos planning to breach the Human Webway and the Eldar Webway, the Ctan's revenge in motion, and now the appearance of Tyrannid forces. Welcome to the 41st Millenium, welcome to the War for Heaven and Hell. For in the grim darkness of the 41st Millenium, there can only be and only will ever be... War
  • 1:58 TTS Magnus the Red: "Oh wow Ullanor. It seems that Orks spores weren't properly disposed of. It really proves that the Ork genome can survive through anything even toxic emissions from atrocious family reunions that not even Vulkan can regenerate from those!"
  • I'm surprised he forgot to mention Ahriman's vineyard that could be a renowned galactic Wine that the Tau Ethereals, Fulgrim, and the Eldar could enjoy. it could be called Château de Ahriman
  • @comradjohn117
    People may argue that the Emperor killing his sons would be more grimdark and therefore more fitting. But I feel that the loss of what could have been makes the current setting even more tragic
  • Theoretical: Angron wouldn't die to the nails because the Eldar wouldn't see a future with the Horus Heresy, thus wouldn't self-fulfil the prophecy that leads him to become who he did Practical: Eldar are dicks and get their visions jank all the time and follow them blindly, so would've probably left Angron defenseless to the slavers anyways
  • I love the idea of Tau and the imperium as Tau tech could help replace things lost in the age of strife and humanity could let Tau use the webway. Mabey access to the wider galaxy could inspire the Tau to overthrow the ethereals
  • @MrOiram46
    I also heard from somewhere that the Custodes were the preview of what the Emperor wanted humanity to become one day, so imagine the entirety of the Imperium’s population becoming as powerful as a baseline Custodes
  • @junkm0d628
    I think The Great Khan would even travel into the deep space and than returns to warn against the tyraninds or even meet with silent king
  • @edyorozco7000
    Can we get a part 2 of “can a single space marine legion beat warhammer fantasyI wanna see what happens when they get guardsman and another chapter involved
  • Idea : how did the primarchs view the xenos, did they hate them or respect them?
  • I'm a huge fan of the Roboutian Hersey...so in my mind Guilliman would've and it would've went the same way as Arthus did in Warcraft.
  • @KushinadaKai
    I actually prefer this over official one. Tau-Eldar-Imperium vs United Necrons sounds way more epic than everyone killing other shitshow in galaxy atm. Also Chaos gods putting their force on a single banner might cause some batshit crazy war aswell. Top of that tyranids coming in picture it would be a glorious 4 way war. I would not be sad for Orks, they would go with bang fighting against greatest force in the galaxy. But it could be really interesting if their regression will be cured somehow. Great video as always Majorkill
  • We need a continuation of this time-line: unified Imperium vs unified Necrons while Tyranids sneak in for a reach-around
  • @kira68200
    isn't Vulkan something like "the door guardian" ? like the shield to protect humanity ? in the same vain, isn't Magnus the one than was supposed to sit on the golden throne ?