What If A City Has To Rethink Its Past to Understand its Future? | Mayor Pete Buttigieg | TEDxUND

Published 2015-03-18
What if a city has to rethink its past before it can reimagine its future? That’s just one “what if” question Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Ind., asks of himself and his community. Here he shares his vision of both—the past and the future—tin the hope of inspiring others to ask “What if?” too.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

All Comments (21)
  • This is the man who can deliver in clear, actionable specifics what the current President promised in vague generalities. Pete is the man capable of smart solutions, bringing hope and innovation to the parts of America that are currently lacking in both. How long, America, do you want to wait for intelligent transformation of existing infrastructure to breathe life back into decaying cities and the countryside? Moreover, when more people have decent jobs and a shot at the American dream, some of the inflammation and polarization in America will ease off. Plus, the guy speaks seven languages. We might gain some respect back in the world. Pete 2020!
  • @travisgrant5608
    March 2019 Mayor Pete has announced he is running for President of the United States. One truly amazing, intelligent, smart, educated, compassionate, kind young man!
  • @Mr4101945
    Gosh I am hopeful. This man is intelligent, articulate and has an ability to see challenges, define answers and implement solutions. Love Pete Buttigieg! Calm, compassionate and confident leadership.
  • Mayor, I've been watching for only a couple minutes and I want to know why politicians aren't doing this around the whole country. I am not a formally educated individual. In fact I am actually a former heroin addict that was "revalued" as you put it or redeemed person from NJ. Hence why I really love your inovation and vision for small town America. I've seen this done in Massachusetts as well and marveled at it's simplicity. It is refreshing to see this type of action being made as I, being a commercial driver, touring the United States, see the rot that has consumed so many towns and cities across the nation. I love the idea of repurposing assets that are commonly determined as waste. I would love to have a chance to speak with you. Thank you for all that you have already acomplished.
  • @akmmicou1819
    the south bend 150 vcelebration was amazing.... 100k people in the streets celebrating for a week and no violence...i love pete!
  • @mindfulskills
    Love this man. He radiates both intelligence and kindness.
  • @blue7cat10
    I really like listening to Mayor Pete's voice. It's so calming. He's next level smart, too.
  • @kayrosis5523
    Well, sounds like the guy knows what he's talking about. I look forward to see how he does in the 2020 campaign!
  • @mikrichie6662
    Its amazing to read there are people who posted two years ago wishing Pete to be President of the US, and he is doing just that, with many supporters. Very Prophetic.
  • @poopstersdad
    i've been watching a bunch of buttigieg videos and it took me so long to find this... this shouldn't happen (i'm not even sure how i landed here)... i'm a republican that will vote for buttigieg if nominated... i'm telling you if you get this video to go viral... you will get alot of conservative votes... a lot of us just want someone that can deliver results while coming from a good place (untrue for a lot of democratic candidates out there). buttigieg sounds like he understands basic economics and has an open mind. unlike the other democrat candidates who think they have all the answers for us. and i love how he has a long term view because he is actually going to be in the future unlike some of the other candidates. please don't make me vote for the independent candidate again for 2020. Get that nomination! you are the exact leadership we need in this country right now.
  • This is what we need. This man is exactly what our country needs to move forward. He gets how to approach a rapidly changing economy.
  • @vault587
    This man would make a great President for all Americans. Pete Buttigieg 2020!
  • @beefmaster25
    Been binge watching Pete Buttigieg and delighted to find this old Ted talk! He is undoubtedly one to watch in the crowded 2020 race
  • @MD-wk3gj
    I like innovation like taking a Mayor and making him President in 2020! 🇺🇸
  • @debmore6961
    He's great, my grandchildren will like him too ill see to that and he will be the first President they vote for.
  • @JoeVirella
    Been binging Pete after he announced his candidacy. Can’t believe he has so much content out there. This is awesome 👏
  • I remember seeing this before I knew who Pete Buttigieg was. Now that he is running for President, I think this is the right person for the job.
  • I just found this video while researching Mayor Pete and wow! What a visionary! Think what a brilliant mind like his could accomplish for our country. Amazing!
  • @shotpin
    He is incredible! He’s got my vote for sure!