What your Favourite armor core says about you - Halo Infinite

Published 2023-05-22

All Comments (21)
  • If u like the MK7 u are rich enough to buy the amount of customization possible
  • @Zero_XTZ5
    If your favorite armor core is RAKSHASA, your a gigachad
  • @Mendicant.Bias98
    “If your favorite armor core is chimera, then you probably wanna sniff Cortana’s toes” damn that makes so much sense 😂
  • @joshuawang1307
    As a fan of hazmat, I can confirm that I do not exist yet
  • Mark V (B) is accurate. As a Reach kid, I LOVE Halo Reach more than the others, it'll always hold the pedestal for Halo games in my heart.
  • @Hardy3000
    As an eagle strike main. I can confirm we are all history geeks.
    The chimera core just reminds me of the nano suit from crysis
  • @rocky.sroger8855
    If you like Chimera then you understand the weakness of your flesh
  • @SpartanNat
    The Halo Book “jab” is great for Mirage.
  • @dixie4104
    My favorite is the mark 7, I enjoy the amount of customization it offers, not to mention the only way to make it look cool is stealing your mom's credit card.
  • @yeehawj24
    I really hope they add more customization options to the cores present as opposed to more cores. Rakshasa with a few more options would be goated
  • @mlantin7713
    The Mark IV Armor Core that they FINALLY released
  • @YouLews
    I’m a fan of eagle strike but as soon as the athlon helmet comes out for the mirage, that’ll be my new main. Just love the rugby/American football aesthetic of it
  • @TrueChaos56
    Something I think is lazy on 343i’s behalf is that despite there being 7 (if I remember correctly) different cores plus Master Chief’s armor. And there is only one HUD in the entire game. Would be cool if the Mark V(B) got the Reach HUD, and the Fracture armor’s getting a HUD with the same theme as the armor.
  • @davidmarin9253
    Mirage is probably my favorite core even after haz coming out, it’s rugged and well armored, but still has lots of good undersuit bits showing, helmet selection is a little rough but I only use the classic SPI look so we’re cool, plus the the way the pouches are mounted and the belt attachment makes it peak core
  • @rookie2321
    If your favourite armour core is chimera then you probably love halo 4 and 5.
  • @colejones8471
    Mirage is my favorite but im not big on the books. I just really like the close-to-Halo-3 aesthetic it offers
  • @KillerOrca
    God dammit you beat me too it. You're not even wrong though, albiet I'd add that Chimera fans have played WAY too much Crysis on max settings.