Going Through a Dark Night of the Soul? You Need to Watch This | Michael B. Beckwith

Published 2024-06-03
Michael B. Beckwith provides an insight into the experience of a dark night of the soul: the crumbling of the world you once knew and a painful rebirth into a new way of being.


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Know Thyself
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André Duqum
Instagram: www.instagram.com/andreduqum/

Meraki Media

All Comments (21)
  • @NiKi-ij2ln
    What dies is the personality, that is given by society, and individuality is yours - Osho.
  • The worst part is that you go through it all alone and no one in your family or friends can help you through it. You can barely stand your family 😅 because they are still in Egypt and can pull you back in. Rev Michael is my spiritual teacher I am so glad to know he also went through this darkness. Strength to everyone ❤
  • @ae1335
    I remember when I went through this for a few years and thought it was depression. After coming through on the other side, God revealed to me it was a process of the old self dying for the new to emerge. Wish I would’ve had this information beforehand, it would have been a lot easier because of understanding the process and reason for the pain. Then afterwards, I realized how blessed I was that Gods was there through the process. I was given the test, then the lesson. My heart goes out to souls who are going through this and there’s no one to explain and help them through the process. Some make it out fine, while others may not.😢❤
  • This is exactly what I have been going through for the last 3 years, and it is dark...!! You can't really expect anyone to understand it, unless they've been through it, and it's really difficult to explain as it's not something that one fully understands until you come through it. Thank you Michael for describing this so well. 🙏 ❤
  • @MishMacky
    This is EXACTLY how it is. It is HORRENDOUS and very debilitating. It is like a veil being lifted and I could see the truth about myself in full. It was & is horrifying. It started about 5 months ago and im still going through it. Its very dark. Like a void. Like waking up from a life of being unconscious. Lots of grief. Not sure how much longer this will go on. Doing lots of self care. Behaviours, choices, thoughts changing, as I'm not that person anymore.
  • @23bramble
    The sense of separation is so real which makes it extremely difficult to let go. Belief is the mind whereas knowing is the heart.
  • @TheDaximus2301
    I went through this starting in May of 2021. It is the most miserable experience you will ever endure. You literally feel parts of yourself (ego) start to emotionally dissipate, but the end result is you truly becoming the person you were meant to be. This is the most concise and well spoken description of the dark night of the soul I have ever heard. Thank you for sharing this.
  • @newdayze3717
    Just when you think your dark night is over it hits you again. You can try to fight it, but you won't be successful. I don't know how people survive it without meditation. I found meditation through a dark night of the soul, and it helps tremendously. The dark night seems to be infinite.
  • @mariawilson9838
    Brutal, is all I say about this. It’s been going on for years. On and off. Thanks for speaking this truth . It’s not nice
  • To those suffering this metaphysical symbolic death, know I FEEL ya. Been there decades ago n’ at 60 here it is again; the slipping away of all joy n angst and the life I had for last five years. Never quit. Lean into the skin shedding and know this too shall pass. Love you. Peace ✌️
  • Once it starts their is no going back ,ride the the storm and surrender to the universe ❤
  • @LoveLight7
    It’s a Spiritual Warfare with Oneself… and an epiphany at the same time; Soul Real!!❤
  • @AmandaAbella
    I went through this for a couple of years and it was brutal. I couldn’t even meditate after being a daily practitioner for almost a decade and felt so cut off from spirit. I had to hold on to all the faith I had and it was difficult. However, I can now say the life on the other side of the dark night is amazing. You’re a whole new person in the best way possible.
  • @Firebydesign3
    This feeling is empty right now.. I know that I am becoming more enlightened because I’m not in the same plane anymore. I feel like I’m falling into an abyss in extreme slow motion.. I’m reaching out grabbing something that is not even there. No one or no thing makes sense to me internally.
  • Love and light to each and everyone of you that has gone or is going through this life changing, destruction, and reconstructive process. It can be the scariest thing you have ever been through and the most liberating. It can take you from the absence of light, love, and connectedness to pure love, life, and oneness. Remember who you are. It IS the process of remembering. The process will take however long it needs to. Understand you can not rush the process. Find your truth and allow the process to unfold. Blessing to you all. I love you! ❤❤❤
  • @ianmoseley2475
    i'm curious about another aspect, that I'm not hearing mentioned here. When I have gone through this process (multiple times in this lifetime) ... purging became a real thing. I couldn't even do food until the entire process completed itself. (almost a month usually, or several weeks) And it was terrifying on so many levels, because each time, I never knew if I would survive it. Not an exaggeration. I honestly thought I might die. And like you say, reaching the other side changes everything, and you have a undeniable relationship with life again, and all of your previous belief systems, thoughts, fears, etc. went through a transformation because of the brutality of the process. I'm curious about food, digestion, water, etc. chemicals, etc. My nervous system became so hyper-sensitive, i couldn't be around things like cigarette smoke anymore, because a vegetarian ... realizing my body couldn't handle red meat anymore. Lost so many friends, because my spirit started to reject anything that was in-authentic, any place or area of my life that wouldn't let the light in. It changed everything for me. But the biological physical process was insane, and truly tested me to my very core. It felt like being inside a chrysalis, having my entire being regurgitated by Spirit, by the Universe. Never to be quite the same again.
  • @mccarthew
    My whole grown life has been a series of dark nights of the soul. Its a never ending process of repeating patterns of betrayal and extreme loneliness and anxienty and anger. Thanks God, thank you so fucking much. I just want to fucking die but I'm not even allowed to die if I want to. FUCK this life