13 things to know when starting Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Publicado 2018-10-03

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @wintersjalen
    Assassin's Creed or not, it's a huge open world rpg that you can play your way. I want it lol
  • The spartan kick is also useful when you are fighting NPC’s that are a much higher level than you are 👍🏻 you just kick them off a high ledge and gravity does the hard work for you 😁👌🏻
  • @awildrabbit1914
    Just bought the game and all I can say is that Skyrim has prepared me for this moment
  • @chrislin2663
    Another reason to pick the Spartan kick early on is that the kick itself is non-lethal, which can be used to knock mercenaries unconscious and recruit them afterwards.
  • @Tellingfibulas
    "Spartan kick is really funny" is it though? watches the mini compilation Aye, okay you've sold me on it.
  • @Motleyguts
    If you didn't try out Nightmare, you missed on the fun of dying to pissed off chickens in 2 or 3 hits. Hilarious.
  • @JackJack391
    This game is a must buy. I bought the spartan collection and have been playing it since launched at midnight early on oct 2. I’m already over level 30 and have played almost 35 hours. Here is some of my experience playing and some tips on getting the most out of yours: -Which difficulty? +I picked hard difficulty and haven’t changed it. I’m used to playing games on easy or medium difficulties so i can enjoy the campaign without getting frustrated of dying over and over again. For this game I didn’t just want to walk through this game without some kind of challenge and picking hard was a good choice for me. If you want to feel like a god and not be punished for not dodging or parrying at the right time then play easy. Medium is a little tougher than easy. Hard is not as unforgiving as nightmare but you will actually need to be very focused during combat with mercs or large groups of people, don’t expect to win against large groups all targeting you from all around you. You will need to move around and use the environment to your advantage (climb on top of a tall building and sparta kick enemies off of it so that gravity does its magic. I really feel that hard is the right setting as i feel like when i died it was from a preventable error on my part. I really want to give nightmare a try as it seems pretty challenging. -Which to pick, Alexios or Kassandra? +I personally picked Alexios but kinda wished i had picked Kassandra because my expectations going in to playing Alexios was that he would speak like the amazon Alexios skill does (ruthless greek mercenary voice with plenty of dark humor). -Don’t skip side quests +The amount of side quests are really overwhelming but you should still do at least 2 or 3 in between Odyssey quests. Remember that the game isn’t a race to who can finish first. Take your time to enjoy this great masterpiece. The greek world you play in has 27 different regions for you to explore and discover. Each region has something different going on, so take the time to do those side quests. There are many side quests that can be acquired from characters that were in an odyssey quest and i highly suggest doing those first as they are very unique and often are tied to the current situation of a region you are in. -Don’t accept every single quest +I highly recommend keeping your accepted quests list short. You will feel very overwhelmed if you just accept everything. Try only accepting quests that you will finish. I currently have about 40 quests sitting in my log book that i accepted at the message boards of all the regions i visited. I am not going back to those regions to do those quests since i want to keep exploring the greek world. Since there is no way to unaccept a quest (from the best of my knowledge), be wary of what you accept. -Blacksmith/Upgrading +The blacksmith cost for upgrading your gear is really high. For early gameplay i suggest just equipping items for their stats not looks. When you get that nice gear that you want to keep as you rank up, you will recognize that you have to upgrade it. A legendary sword can do less damage than a common sword that is 3-4 levels higher (excluding engravings). The problem is that upgrading costs a bunch of materials and drachmae. I suggest that if you want to upgrade your gear you should dismantle all the gear u dont use, in order to get materials. Drachmae is really easy to come by through many different ways. -Grind at sea +The loot from boarding ships is pretty good. You can get a bunch of resources and gear from looting the chests after you deal with the enemies. -Save +Save the game often, you can press F5 on pc for a quick save, otherwise make sure to do a save overwrite every hour or so. Also if you are attacking a giant enemy fortified location make sure to come out of combat to save at least once so u dont lose all ur process from dying. -RPG choices +Don’t feel like you have to follow any certain dialogue style. Yes certain dialogue can have certain consequences but the best thing about odyssey is that you almost NEVER know which dialogue has a supposedly negative outcome. Play it how you want to.
  • @matthewlaing5245
    I had 4 mercenaries come at me at once straight after the first conquest battle - that certainly keeps you lively on your feet
  • @ironwolf56
    Everyone talks about the spartan kick, it's nice don't get me wrong, but I find the shield grab move much more useful overall.
  • @MemphisEngage
    People don't seem to understand a point about fashion in the game. You can always equip a set of gear of which stats you like and then just change it's looks just as they did with for honor but for free. All you have to to is to own the armor you want to have as looks. Doesn't matter if you sold it because it remains saved in the "Looks" menu. So you don't need to look like a washed up peasant all the time.
  • @exxon010
    13 things to know when starting Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Number 1 : Addiction!
  • Another thing. Always equip the Spartan kick during naval battle. It’s insanely useful during boarding battles, because for one thing, it’s just easy to kick enemies off a narrow ship, more importantly, because for some reason enemy naval soldiers and captains can’t fucking swim. So no matter how powerful they may be, one well aimed kick and they are eternally done.
  • @abelmeza4257
    Lmao pro tip: I’ve been using the spartan kick to kick higher leveled enemies off high ledges and oh my gots it’s so broken but satisfying
  • @thomasredden4263
    They have since added a mechanic that no matter what gear you have, you can change the appearance to a previous piece you’ve already picked up. It’s only cosmetic and the item will keep whatever stats it had when you picked it up but it makes coordinating your armor set much easier and more personalized to your desire
  • @pagefault404
    Watching this 4 years after it came out but currently playing through for the first time, and that line about bounty hunters showing up at the worst time is 100% accurate. I had a bounty when I entered a battlefield to fight for Sparta. Some guy comes out of nowhere, not dressed as an Athenian, or a spartan, and starts wailing into me. I kill him, only to later find out it was a damn bounty hunter that jumped into the fray just to kill me. I think that's the moment that hooked me on this game.
  • When going through caves you will see these coal little pans that are on the sides of the walls that used to be used for light. Some caves imo can become pretty confusing to move around. Take your torch and aim it about an inch above the coal plate and throw it. It should land in the coal plate, lighting it up and then you can pick up your torch and keep moving. This can help tremendously with not getting turned around and realizing you’ve already been in this area before or haven’t. Alternatively you could also use a fire arrow to do the same thing.
  • @manchumuq
    This game is sooo good, UBISOFT finally nailed it!!!
  • @thefilmcubano
    I bought this when it came out, played a few minutes and then didn't pick it up again until a few days ago. I sincerely regret not giving this game a chance, it's by far some of the most fun I've had with a game in a while and the story is way more engaging than I first thought
  • @Krumpulous
    I just picked up the Gold Edition of the game on sale on Steam, loving it so far. I am doing a stealth build as Kassandra. I flash banged the Cyclops and lured him to the top of Kephallonia, then I assassinated him next to a goat.