Narcissistic Family: Verbal Abuse Tactics They Constantly Use

Published 2024-05-12
In this video, I discuss common verbally abusive tactics that narcissistic and emotionally immature parents and family members use.

Learning about these will help you recognize verbally manipulative behaviors, empowering you to set healthy boundaries and self-differentiate, even if they never stop or change.

If you're finally ready to get your dysfunctional, narcissistic family out of you and enjoy a life free of their toxic grip, here's how I can helpšŸ‘‡šŸ¼

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āž”ļø Recommended Playlists: Outgrowing Dysfunctional Family Patterns - Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā OutgrowingĀ NarcissisticĀ FamilyĀ DynamicsĀ Ā  Break Free from Narcissistic Parents & Families - Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā BreakingĀ FreeĀ fromĀ NarcissisticĀ Paren...Ā Ā  Adult Children of Alcoholics: Heal & Change the Pattern - Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā AlcoholicĀ NarcissisticĀ ParentsĀ &Ā FamilyĀ Ā 

āž”ļø You can also find me on: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Spotify:ā€¦

Jerry Wise, MA, MS, CLC, has helped 1000s of people in the same situation as you. As a family and self-differentiation coach, he uses his 45 years of experience to help clients get permanently unstuck from family-of-origin dysfunction, cultivate healthy relationships, and build a true sense of self.

DISCLAIMER: This video is not intended to serve as a substitute for professional counseling. Be sure to consult a professional to help you integrate and utilize these concepts.

šŸ”„Access my FREE Training - ā€˜Build the Self You Were Never Allowed to Have!ā€™ā€¦

All Comments (21)
  • "Verbal abuse is their brokeness being dumped on you"- Absolutely correct.
  • @tspencer661
    My mom is queen of the silent treatment. Not talking to your child on purpose is a form of verbal abuse.
  • It cost me a multimillion dollar inheritance to go no contact and consider myself to have gotten out of it cheaply.
  • @GrahamMack
    As a teenager and young adult, I was constantly told by my parents, "You're in for a rude awaking!" - Well, I'm 60 next month, still waiting for that rude awakening!
  • @LR-yu3mx
    My narc family do not exist for me anymore, The only time I "meet "or see my narcissist family since years ago, is when I have a nightmare.
  • @MyStrenght
    6:50 No contact with verbal abusers, full contact with ourselves. šŸŽÆ
  • @InannaStellar
    "It didn't happen that way." I had photograph proof. "The picture must be wrong."
  • @seaside1454
    When my Mom mocks me, I consider the source. She is not a nice person.
  • @SusanaXpeace2u
    My family would never identify with being abusive because they would say calmly with a lot of superiority '''you're so sensitive'', ''you're emotional'' because I TRIED TO RAISE AN ISSUE, OR BECAUSE i ASKED THEM TO LISTEN. And then when I don't accept that I'm ''crazy'' I'm told im ''abusive'' ''detached from reality'', ''insane''...................................................... argh. They've had no insight in four years.
  • @knit1purl1
    "I only want what's best for you," Right after they abuse you.
  • My parents never got their family of origin out of them, which they projected onto us. That's the entire reason for our trauma. It's a generational cycle, which I broke. Only child with a truly productive life.
  • @SusanaXpeace2u
    True, when I rejected the gaslighting, I was asked to ''think of your mother, think of your father, think of your kids''. What!? So, the way I have to show love in the family is to collude with their gaslighting of me! And if I'm angry, that proves I'm mad. But if my mother is angry, that proves she's right.
  • I had nothing but malignant verbal abuse from the time I got up till the time I went to bed for my entire life until I was able to escape. Then I went no-contact. Donā€™t let anyone guilt trip you into thinking you should stay in contact because theyā€™re your parents. You really CANā€™T have contact with some people - regardless of who they are - because theyā€™re so evil, malignant and detrimental.
  • @c-p1976
    I grew up in a mega narcissistic toxic highly abusive home. I was adopted by an aunt and uncle after my biological parents dropped their four children off at my grandmother's. They went on to divorce and my biological father had four more children. Leaving us and never looking back. Unreal. It has taken me DECADES to understand my life, my choices, my family, you name it. I am about to turn 60. I survived. I went to a top college, found a career I loved, and became very successful, but never fulfilled. Never able to get the one thing I craved - a family of my own. It's only in recent years I began to understand how all that abuse took a toll on me and my desire for a healthy life. I wasn't capable of handling what I longed and still longed for. It's a sad reality to wake up this late in the game.
  • @spacegirl226
    My mother is so adept at guilt trips she owns her own travel agency. Fortunately for me now, I don't fly those unfriendly skies. I know what she's doing, and I don't let her do it. She lashes out at me when I don't play along. Now I tell HER to "GET OVER IT!" and she kind of understands how it felt for me to never be able to go to her with my problems and get some sympathy, compassion, and protection. Do I like doing this? Absolutely not. Will it change anything? Of course not. But it does make me feel a little bit better that I can't be manipulated to shut up and take it anymore. My old man is a master gaslighter to say things to me like "That's just your opinion." "That's your perception." and the straight up "That didn't happen." It's funny how he could say stuff like that when I point out his crappy behavior because he never bothered to get involved or care about us unless my mother forced him to intervene. Of course I know what happened because it was so rare that he ever gave a crap! When he had to get involved, he went too hard, and the punishment was disproportionate to the situation because he didn't bother to find out what was going on from his kids. If we were in trouble, obviously it's because we were PURE EVIL and not because our mother was psychotic and unhinged 24/7. And my inner critic? What a demon it is. I would never speak to another person the way my inner critic talks to me. Finally I'm learning to not berate and belittle myself so much and be kinder. Kindness quietens the inner critic, and though it hasn't gone away and probably won't ever, it's a lot less noisy, and I stay more regulated. Verbal abuse is the most insidious form of abuse. Physical abuse hurts and leaves bruises, but those bruises eventually fade. Verbal abuse sticks with you for decades and doesn't leave a mark on the outside so it looks like you weren't ever hurt. I still, when talking to people who don't get it, can't believe that some people think the only type of abuse is physical. Those people either had fantastic childhoods or are in such deep denial about their own trauma. Thanks, Jerry. Hang in there, survivors.
  • @recklessmynd
    What a PERFECT drop for Motherā€™s Day! Trying to be nice to her and sheā€™s being extremely passive aggressive and cold to my gestures because itā€™s not exactly what she wanted in her fantasy world. This is just what I needed to Jerry thank you!
  • @vjnt1star
    "I didnt say that", "It didnt happen that way", "you're too sensitive", "when good things happen to you it's thanks to me", "I messed up my health to pay for your private school", "How much are you making now that you found a new job?", "Come on tell me, I would have no problem telling my salary if I was working" I got it all recently. Still messes with my head wondering if Im the bad guy in all this. I hate this