UFO: The Inside Story of the US Government's Search for Alien Life Here—and Out There

Publicado 2024-07-14
UFO: The Inside Story of the US Government's Search for Alien Life Here—and Out There
Featuring Garrett Graff, journalist, historian, and director of Cyber Initiatives at the Aspen Institute, in conversation with Vivian Schiller, executive director of Aspen Digital at the Aspen Institute. Graff discusses his latest book, “UFO: The Inside Story of the US Government’s Search for Alien Life Here—and Out There,” a comprehensive exploration of the US government’s decades-long quest to solve one of humanity’s greatest mysteries: are we alone in the universe? Presented as part of the Hurst Lecture Series.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @TCCTaylor
    His summary of the Roswell incident was incredibly simplistic and inaccurate. Maybe he needs to debate Ross Coulthart or interview David Grusch. This one hour interview failed to highlight anything new that this journalist or his book is bringing to the UFO topic.
  • @bigo5659
    This guy speaks as if he is all knowledgeable, save this and play it back for him after disclosure.
  • @johnnyboy1014
    Was this sponsored by AARO Sean Kirkpatrick and Nick West?
  • @jeanhorseman9364
    This whole discussion is based in the material world and in our known physics. It ignores multi dimensional life, parallel universes and energies we cannot fathom
  • @sibylb974
    I don’t understand why Aliens are always considered to be of extraterrestrial origin, when we have yet to explore most of the oceans on Earth, where civilizations may exist in Lava Tubes or other geologic formations or created environments. A note the recent Naval films of objects plunging into the sea.
  • @SteveBrant55
    I'm thrilled the Aspen Institute hosted this event with Garrett Graff. I'm 20 minutes in, and Mr Graf just said "If you were a pilot and looked up and saw the U-2... you saw a plane that didn't look like any other kind of plane". That's a bit of a stretch. Pilots are used to planes having a fuselage and two wings and a tail. The U-2 has a fuselage, two wings and a tail. Maybe the wings are longer than on other planes, but the U-2 does NOT look like nothing a pilot would have ever seen before.
  • Grateful for Aspen institute hosting & posting this. Don't need to buy the book now, he exercises bad faith logic constructs. Whilst I'm definitely on the sceptical side, this gent offers nothing new, imaginative or substantive to the wider debate.
  • @Pavel_Poluian
    After 30 years of studying materials about UFOs, I realized quite obviously: since the late 40s of the twentieth century, a secret industry for the development and production of aircraft began to develop in the United States, where lift is created using high-frequency vibration. At first, these were devices according to the scheme of conventional electromagnetic vibrating speakers (with a membrane and inductance - it was the fragments of such a membrane that the farmer found in Roswell, and it all started with the vibrator-orthopter of the Sky Car airplane umbrella by James Pitts). Then piezoelectric or with small dischargers on the surface appeared (they glowed all over the body due to air ionization), and now these are devices with plasma propulsion panels (because they are angular - that is, with flat surfaces). Thousands of discharge cells are packed tightly in the motor panels - they shoot streams of plasma (railgun architecture - coaxial electrodes). The ionized air of the spark discharge is accelerated in the railgun cell by the Lorentz force to enormous speeds - a kind of ramjet engine is obtained. Just imagine! - tens of thousands of small ramjet engines assembled in a panel and firing plasma synchronously with a huge frequency (hundreds of kilohertz). In my article "UFOs are made in the USA" and in the books "The Hunt for UFOs" and "The Crown of Communication" all this is described in detail. The technology is quite mundane — it is known in great detail because of information leaks. For example, air ionization in coaxial railgun cells is created using radiation (radioactive polonium is introduced into the metal). Devices of this type were used all 50-60-70-80 for secret missions (they took off, as a rule, from special submarines). With the fall of the USSR, their use by the United States was practically curtailed, but the development of technology continued later in the Russian Federation and China (the technology was restored by reverse engineering methods based on downed devices). Secrecy, however, continued to be maintained, and there was no civilian use, because the technology is not suitable for this - harmful microwave radiation accompanies flight. That's why there were only rare espionage and other missions. Accordingly, disinformation services were working to cover up, spreading information about aliens, etc.
  • @61rdf
    Wow! This character couldn't be more wrong! What a waste of my time, LOL
  • @fingersoup
    The guy starts off by saying that the late 1940s sightings were not considered by the public to be associated with spacecraft, which is not true if you look at the headlines of the time. What happened to journalism that it is so bad now?
  • @shackvalet
    Save yourselves the 1 hour. Nothing of substance here. Every once in a while I have to remind myself that even G W Bush got a masters from Harvard.
  • @tharr182
    Interesting listen. I find some of the conclusions however, based on the evidence presented, just too narrow minded and almost arrogant. Few points 1. You don’t think the guys at 509th knew what a possible weather balloon looked like? 2. The reaction in the same year of the creation of the CIA etc could have been due to the thought of, if they have ‘crashed’ here, they could have crashed in other countries as well? 3. Paper work suggests the US and others had knowledge of this before 1947 (1933 Magenta, Italy) 4. @15.51 states that they knew it was not some soviet craft (despite just saying it was a weather balloon?) so they just stopped looking into it. Well what about blue book to 1969, AATIP in 2007 and now AARO? And finally, (could go on) you present all the information about how little we know of the universe, how there is such a large possibility we are not alone and are much younger than other life that could be out there and we would not be very interesting. All true. However, if I have a group of monkeys that live on a neighbouring island to me, I might not show them much interest. If those monkeys suddenly develop a nuclear bomb and the ability to maybe come to my island, I’m going to start showing an interest! I think ill give the book a miss.
  • @T61APL89
    Du hast die Untertitel deaktiviert?
  • @joshuajuarez3471
    I heard the complete opposite by more credible ppl. Like air force officers and we all already know
  • @SteveBrant55
    I'm old enough to have followed the NASA space program that put us on the Moon. Regarding the 1964 incident in New Mexico, I remember that NASA built a lunar lander test vehicle in which astronauts could experiment with landing on the Moon while still on Earth. I do NOT know where it flew. Might not have been anywhere near New Mexico. But it's a fascinating vehicle to learn about either way. Here is a video which shows one crashing during a test. It was piloted by Neil Armstrong! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=091ezcY-mkU
  • @dhruvjani3158
    Hmm ... I can clearly say this guy has done 0 research on the topic and just talking about his feelings.
  • @manni123
    Not only a skeptic but a full time debunker!!
  • @rainguynw
    Of all the people you could have on stage to talk about this phenomenon and you pick this guy. He is an ill -informed hack. My own suspicion is that he is probably one of many journalists covering the Department of Defense that have been co-opted to minimize and debunk evidence of UAP in order to preserve his access to restricted information. As others have already pointed out, his summary of Roswell is sophomoric and at best ill-informed. Why do you do this? As something as prestigious as the Aspen Institute. Why? There are so many other people you could have invited to give a more informed overview.