Time To Prepare For Your New Life! You Have Just Finished A Painful Cycle ✨ Divine Feminine Reading

Remember, your journey and your voice matter in this collective evolution. Share your thoughts, experiences, and insights in the comments below, and join our community of seekers and visionaries committed to supporting each other through this transformative time. Subscribe to our channel for more videos that inspire, inform, and empower you on your spiritual journey.

🌟Together, let's embrace the shift and co-create a reality of higher vibrational existence.🌟

#FifthDimension #SpiritualAwakening #ConsciousnessShift #Transformation #NewEarth #collectiveevolution

コメント (21)
  • After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!
  • This message is so tuned in to my life it's like you could have inserted my name into it. Divine timing is always so perfect. Thank you, I am grateful❤
  • What divine timing with the full moon this weekend .. not to mention all the other transits im being presented with right now. I trust the process, I revel in the journey, life is a beautiful blessing and just when I feel at the end of yet another rope, hope and divine support comes cascading upon me. Thank you thank you thank you I am worthy I am divine I am enough And I am fullfilling my lifes purpose, my life is my teaching Love prevails! ♾️🌬🙏🤗💜🔥🌈💃💖🦋✨️♾️
  • This is so PERFECT! It speaks to my Soul! In alignment with my life now! I’m so EXCITED! Thank you always for pouring out your LOVE, LIGHT & TRUTH! May your cup RUN OVER ALWAYS! I’m excited for everyone on this thread! We have shifted time lines and the BEST IS YET TO COME!!!❤
  • It took me 11 months of manifesting, meditating and prayer to get through thus. During this time, my mom died also. My daughter got locked up. It was traumatizing to say the least. I DEFINITELY DID NOT WANT NEW LOVE. He played with my feelings, had affair with DIL, put me in competition with her and another 3rd party. Gave me 2 STDs. Put me down every chance he could. I cannot for the life of me know what I did to turn him against me like this. But Spirit picked me up and carried me out his front door. I cannot believe it happened. It was divine guidance. I'm so grateful. It was one of the most difficult things to do. I really did not want to leave.
  • Thank You for Clarity I needed it in lot ways Love and Light 🙏🏽 Blessing's Thank You Divine Father God in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.
  • Thanks for your message❤❤ Thanks for reminding me I have the right to desire the good for myself and I am allowed to leave these toxic cycles behind. I cried listening to the message, tears meant to drop!!
  • Wow, every single word you said resonates with my life. I cannot believe it. This was a personal message. I don't know exactly what I want at this point. I only know I want to stay connected to the magical realm from where these messages come from. Amazing ...Thank you 🙏🏻❤
  • What a beautiful message. First time listener. This really resonated with me. Thank you kindly. Divine Feminine Aquarian.
  • @anacoa888
    Extremely accurate and very healing to hear. Thank you. 🧬🌅🤍
  • Thank You So Very Much🙏❤️I have missed your voice & your style during the last few readings ... today's message was HUGE and so Flippen' accurate! Thank You for the guidance about being "specific" ... I have purposefully been general because I was previously guided to do so ... but I am happy to get "very specific" especially if it will help bring in that which I have been hoping & praying for🙏❤️
  • What an amazing and beautiful messages you are sharing to the collective! To me 💯% accurate about the feelings i am going through in this stage of the proces...
  • Wow best channeled message I’ve come across yet. You embody a beautiful gift! Thank you for sharing. My soul has been waiting for a message like this. It hit home completely. ❤ 🙏
  • I asked for clarity on all the confusing things going on in my head right now and this showed up on my page within 48 hrs; directly adressing each issue I have been confused about as if it was a bullet pointed list. 😂❤