The Full Story of Leon Kennedy - Before You Play Resident Evil 4 Remake

Published 2023-03-05
Check out the full story of Leon before you jump into Resident Evil 4 Remake.

All Comments (21)
  • @jamesadd4566
    He is my childhood, my hero of the franchise. I played re4 while I was around 7-10 years old.
  • @TheMarine316
    Leon has always been the main protagonist as far as I’m concerned, he’s the lead in the best RE Games, even in RE6 that was dreadfully awful, the only segments that weren’t a painful chore to get through were Leon’s segments.
  • @bluknight99
    I played RE2 (the original PS1 version) shortly after it came out when I was a young police officer. I immediately related to Leon and he became one of my all time favorite video game characters. I can't wait for this remake!
  • @bolski6125
    The OG RE2 was my very first RE game. I never had a PS so I played it on PC. I was hooked! I had heard of it and when it was released for PC, I was hooked. When RE3 came out after that, I got that game as well and I've been hooked ever since. I don't know if it's because RE2 was my first RE game with Leon as the main protagonist and that's why Leon is my favorite or not, but definitely RE2 is what got me into the series. I do think it's the way Leon is portrayed though, especially in RE2 Remake that really makes me connect with him and like him the best. You can definitely see he cares and wants to do what is right. He always moves forward, doesn't give up and tries to do the best he can, even if he is naïve at times, especially when it comes to Ada. But that's part of the charm of Leon. And when the OG RE4 came out, I loved his character there, even though it was campy at times, and over-the-top with his acrobatics. lol! However, I didn't like how the Netflix RE animated series portrayed Leon. It was so out of character the way he treats Claire and that was something I didn't like.
  • @kizugawa07
    If you don't have any clue about RE4's story which is kind of highly unlikely and you want to have a fresh experience and go into the remake blind, do not watch after 5:32 as it talks about the OG Edit: skip to 11:02 if you have played RE6 since it talks about that installment
  • @vguy488
    If we go into detail about all the peripheral entries Leon has been a part of (or direct MC), from comics, novels, audio logs, movies; we'd probably have a netflix size series on our hands xD. I am extremely hyped for the RE4 remake. It looks so amazing and dark, a welcome change from the action-oriented gameplay of the original. I'm very pleased to see that Capcom finally caught on that their RE fans DON'T want action heavy titles, instead a far more personal, involved and terrifying experience. I can only hope we don't get a repeat of RE3 remake; while it has its strong points, let's not forget the many (many) missteps it made due to rushing release and diverging too far from the original concept. As a side note, considering this trend for remaking the RE classics, maybe, just maybe, we can look forward to full-on remakes of RE5 and RE6. Again, decent games in their own right and definitely meme worthy (boulder punching Chris is eternal), but far too different to what the series is. I'm not holding my breath but here's to hoping! Cheers!
  • By far, all the Fandom loves Leon the most, while there are plenty of other Fan Favorite characters in the Series, Leon trumps over them, probably because he's the most relatable. He just started as a rookie cop who found himself in the worse 1st day ever, everyone else were already experienced Soldiers or overpowered beings, or top of the line Government Agents. As of now, Leon has entered a Nostalgia period where we only see his past self in reimaginings of past games, or new stories set during those times. plus we got the new Death Island movie coming which I think is set before RE 7 - 8, so sufficed to say, Who knows when we'll see Old Leon again? For now we get to enjoy his past Adventures given new light.
  • Re6 isn't that bad. I enjoyed it. Yeah some bits were slow or hard to understand. But play it through all 4 campaigns and it's actually a good storyline.
  • @HShango
    Kennedy, Redfield and Valentine my fav characters
  • @HShango
    Legendary Kennedy and Redfield 🔥🔥🔥🔥 love both characters the most, after RE 4 remake, I look forward to what Redfield will do in RE 9
  • @weRnd1000
    He fought Birkenhead before he saw Ada, it was was self destruction sequence that caused Ada to fall
  • @201theartist
    I liked RE6 & will continue to no matter what anyone else says. Obviously it wasn't the best out of the titles but I managed to enjoy it nonetheless apart from most.
  • @lez075
    "Before you play Resident Evil 4" - Proceeds to spoil all the game
  • What about the game the dark side chronicles and don’t forget the anime movies and the Netflix animated series
  • @588Board
    I personally love all the main games, mainly from the gameplay and each one plays smoothly. RE5 is my favorite., and RE6 isn't a bad game just different. I don't even consider 7 and 8 part of the main series.
  • I don’t know why people hate RE6 so much. It has the best playability and most realistic move set and above all, the best voice actors (with Wesker in RE5) of all RE universe… this is my opinion.