Haircuts for Men – 京都コネクション (2024) on a 1982 Cassette Deck | Vaporwave on Cassette

The vaporwave album Haircuts for Men – 京都コネクション(Kyoto Connection) was released on cassette in June 2024.

コメント (21)
  • @qoph1988
    Vaporwave seems as remote and lost in time now as the stuff it was originally inspired by. It has been a billion years since 1995, a million since 2015
  • @norkshit
    Youtube algorithm cooked with this suggestion 🔥🔥🔥
  • @85hr
    i love the algorithm for bringing me here
  • i've been collecting vapor physicals for years now, and i have some pretty cool physical-exclusive tracks and albums i haven't seen online yet. you've convinced my lazy ass i should dust off the tape deck and start sharing.
  • @pp3k07
    The authenticity here is making me jealous but yet, calm.
  • i miss my cassette player, I used to make so many with music lost to time, i dont ever want this form of media to disappear
  • i need to get one of these new-fangled cassette thingies the kids all talk about.
  • @lukan983
    mine is still coming and my cassette deck was also made in 82, i can't wait to play it! good video! thanks for sharing
  • this is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 thank you for sharing