The Newsroom - Don & Sloan Book (kiss)

s02 ep08-09 "Election Night"

コメント (21)
  • @rpullen7
    "What I have can't be taught" might be the single greatest line ever
  • Don was posited as the "bad guy" in S1 until Sloan told him she saw him as a good guy - I am so glad that this kiss came, absolutely love them together!
  • "Look at my face. Does it seem like I want to be sassed?" LOL!!!!!!!!!
  • "What if it never is? What if I go on and on like this? What if I keep talking in rhetorical questions until you just can't take it anymore?" I love Sloan. 
  • Love the look on Don's face when he realizes that Sloan has figured out who bought the book. He's expecting to be hit. and then.... "what I have can't be taught!" PRICELESS!!!!
  • They were the best couple in the whole show. They developed so smoothly and naturally! I loved them
  • I love the little smile Sloan gives as she walks away from Don after the kiss! Brilliant show sorry it's been cancelled
  • "What if it can't be fixed? What if I go on and on like this? What if I keep talking rhetorical questions until you can't take it anymore?" "Can I go?" "I'm good." Aaron Sorkin's writing is GOLD
  • @FawneB
    Great first kiss, great reaction line and love the little smirky smile she has as she's leaving the control room and the look (and smile) he gives her at the end. He's so totally smitten. Please let there be a season three.
  • @Technobuilder
    Will & Mac?... Sure. Jim & Maggie?... I guess so. Don & Sloan?... The Reason to watch this show!
  • "What I have Can't be taught!!" Thank you for putting this together. My favorite part of the show.
  • In a weird way, this scene is incredibly romantic. The only other scene I thought was close was when Don was in his office with Sloan, after her nude photos were released.
  • I enjoyed that series from start to finish. was so sad when it ended. strong performances all around. that's when I realized jeff Daniels is one of greatest actors ever.
  • @Corvo80
    The Newsroom is filled with awesome characters, and Sloan is the best one IMHO.
  • What I have can't be taught loooool!!! That was a fucking brilliant line.
  • @rcoveyduc
    She had me at, "Look at my face ..." even if it was in anger. lol
  • @hexistenz
    OMG, these last 10 seconds … She’s absolutely heavenly, just impossibly stunning 😍
  • "Does it look like I want to be sassed?" I laughed so damn hard.