Squad 44 - Polish 57mm QF 6 Pounder Anti Tank Gun Defending the Bridge of Driel - 4K

I felt like I just missed and didn't hit a shot but the kills at the end surprised me. It was a great match nonetheless i really can't aim with the Lee Enfield and the Piat haha.

コメント (8)
  • I always wonder why noone uses the Anti - Tank guns. Sometimes there are 10 people standing around the gun but nobody uses it even though it can be very effective, especially against infantry, awesome stuff again. Your Ps content is still the best mate!
  • pozdrowienia z polski :) świetna gra jak zawsze :)
  • @zrize101
    How does Post Scriptum/Squad 44 fare these days after the revitalization/overhaul? Have players returned to the game?