September 2018

Published 2018-10-02
Looking back, September was a really great month.

It kicked off with my very first Pride, which was so much fun and I met some beautiful people. I had the pre-sessional students final lunch, during which I felt like a Real Adult. Lauren cooked me food; Adrian (our GM) tried to kill us again. Memma curled up in my bed like the cat she is. I dyed my hair by myself (a huge accomplishment!). I went to Oxford twice, and London once. I sat two exams: the UKCAT and the GAMSAT. I babysat twice: one went amazingly, one went terribly. Some amazing Chinese students cooked me hotpot. Beth and I ate pizza. My parents came to stay and we ate fantastic food and walked to Sonning, I returned to the Chaplaincy and started my new job in theater.

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