Please WATCH This ABOMINATION. | FLATLAND (2002) Review | AvidCat!

Published 2024-01-10
Plot: (IDK WTF either)

2 sorcerers / samurai / warriors fight for 1000s of years over ??? (Never explained in a way that isn't confusing)

2 other warriors are reincarnated along with Dennis and Highlander 2 (Leaders)

Flatland is a temporal anomaly where time flattens into one continuous thing

It's Highlander stapled to 21 Jump St that just watched The Matrix and Crouching Tiger

Mystical things happen but have electrical sounds attached

Bad guy changes names and faces
Dennis is also Uncle (Chinese Bar Owner)

Shots of either Ancient Japan or China during sepia toned fights are blended with 2010s Shanghai (as architecture doesn't match / Im not an expert on buildings)

Mains work undercover for Dennis looking for a his arch enemy but the encounters and briefings are incoherent

One is a warrior destined to fight again
One is a lawyer without a past
One is the woman once killed
One is a bird or a robot maybe

Music is inappropriately for the tone of most scenes and actors think they're all in a different kind of movie

Dialogue is vague, mysterious, quirky, melodramatic, and unintentionally hilarious

Action is standard but unpredictable


$40M to make? Bad investment.
8 directors & 5 writers
Editors save it from being a tragedy
Somehow a series made just afterwards
22ep on Amazon Prime (free)
Made 2002, released 2012 (DVD) & 2019


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