I Tried Running for Two Years

Published 2023-03-03
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"I want to die." That was the thought I had as I looked up a staggering hill on my third ever run. I had just run for 15 minutes around my local block when I met this behemoth of a hill. The hill looked like Kilimanjaro or Everest; I would need a whole team to carry me up it. However, slowly, I put one foot in front of the other. Every part of my body was telling me to stop. My heart was beating too fast, my lungs were on fire, and my legs were reminding me how I always skip leg day.

Three days earlier, I had begun my 30-day running challenge. Little did I know I would be doing it two years later.

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0:00 The Struggle
4:22 The Change
6:29 The Habit
8:48 The Transformation

Editor: Martino Gasparrini
Who am I:

My name is Zach. I’m a fourth-year medical student in Philadelphia. I make videos about medical school, studying, and growth. I love trying new things and often mess up. However, every time I screw up I usually learn something. Whatever I learn I post it either on YouTube or on my website 🌐 (zhighley.com/​​).

I write a weekly newsletter πŸ’Œ (zhighley.com/newsletter/​​) linking the best things I read, watched, and listened to that week. Join the 4,000+ that read it every Sunday morning.

The Gear I Use to film videos: zhighley.com/resources/#_YouT…​​

What I’m Reading: zhighley.com/resources/#_Books

All Comments (21)
  • For people wanting to start running from 0: WALK-RUN-WALK-RUN. Even if you just run from one lamp post to another and then walk for 10 minutes. It doesnt matter. Just walk-run and slightly run more and walk less
  • @casesully50
    I've been running for 2 years now my self. My father ran the Boston marathon in 2:42:00, he ran every day for 28 years until he had a hip replacement. His health is deteriorating so in his honor I started to run just like him. Now running is a huge part of my life, and it always will be. Just have to get to Boston to honor my father.
  • @simongamez
    I want to give you a hug! Haha. Just a year ago I started running, after so many years, I finally did it. I was so insecure and self-conscious about it, but that change. I watched your video a year ago, and that not only made me suscribed, but it inspired me and motived me at the beginning of my running journey. I've grown so much since then, mentally and physically. It sucked at the beginning, I got injured many times, my body was always in pain due to my terrible physical condition and my anxiety was through the roof. All that started changing with time, I got better, I started to run longer, faster, easier and little did I know, I ran my first 5k, under the rain. I got better with the 5k's and then I ran longer. I finally ran my first runner's high and that was one of the best days of my life, I remember your videos in that moment. Last December, I ran my first 10k race and on the 31st I ran my second 10k, to finish the year with a great run. I went from being a very skinny, out of shape, insecure and anxious guy, to be a slightly bigger, in better shape, more confident and calm guy, all thanks to running. I was never good at sports, I hated sports but I've come to love running. It changed my life, literally, and helped me to be a better person in many ways. Unfortunately, I got injured this January and I haven't been able to run but hoping I can get back to it soon. So thank you, for your videos, specially that one. You inspired me since the beginning of my running journey and somehow you're part of it. Keep on going!
  • This is how I feel about running too. I don't do it just for physical fitness, but because it lifts my mental state more than any other activity I've tried. I have more energy throughout the day and just feel a positive glow in my mood. I liken running to the best drug you can get addicted to.
  • @billylee5335
    Been working out since high school.Started running for the first time this year as a New Year’s reso.There’s nothing like it such a love hate relationship..Love this vid!!
  • @malini2027
    Hey Zach, I don't normally comment on videos but I had to this time. I recently have gotten into strength training, but have always despised running. I watched this video last night and decided it was time to conquer my fear. My goal was to run a single mile without stopping. I ended up running a 5k. Your video was the reason I got on the treadmill today for the first time in 4 years. Thank you!!
  • Your videos are always so informative and helpful for us ! Keep running Zach
  • @anjneyrai
    Your way of speaking is literally amazing. It feels so calm and pleasant. Your smile always adds to the quality of your videos. Great work. Keep going 🀝
  • @blaze5970
    Can definitely relate to u. I usually do a lot of ~5km runs and when i actually start running, the initial 1-2 km r kinda boring and i just want to stop. But then about half way thro, i start to get a bit tired and out of breath and then m like 'yeah this is starting to get fun now'. I become more motivated and start to enjoy the pain. Almost as if i start to enter the 'flow state' or 'zone' which is another popular theory but that's for another day haha.
  • @garnyyoo98
    Thank you so much for posting these videos man! Truly inspirational how hard you work and how dedicated you are to self-improvement. You are a role model.
  • @rachharriss
    Your videos are absolutely beautiful they this is some of the best editing I’ve ever seen! Keep making these! Just found your channel tonight and I’m now subscribed😊
  • @acampos8422
    Thanks for sharing! I used to be an avid runner M-F then Covid messed up things for me. I am still running but not consistently, I haven’t given up on running. Yesterday I walked 5km, today I am definitely going for another walk and who knows maybe I’ll do some running. Thanks for the motivation!
  • @chris09290326
    You’ve inspired me to start running! Thanks man. I’ve had a few knee dislocations so always kind of hesitant to do any major physical activity but going to give running a shot.
  • @wills2652
    Thanks so much for your videos! I love your running videos! I am a casual runner and your videos are very good and makes me want to run more!
  • @heymoe1179
    "Embrace the suck." A term I learned in the Army.
  • @papasquat355
    I just started week 3 of a couch to 5k program and completely identify with everything you are talking about. Thanks for posting this for all of us struggling, but not stopping.
  • @uhyanyan
    This was me in med school as well. Discovered running and probably got my cardiovascular health into the best its ever been. Trying to get back into it now that residency made me drop off, but having to find new running trails near me is tough
  • @RishabJainK
    keep making more videos β€” you're an inspiration to all