Sonic Riders - Theme of Digital Dimension (In-game)

This is the in-game version of the Digital Dimension theme in Sonic Riders, extended to about 16 minutes. Compared to the OST version, it has a different drum pattern and a few other things that make it unique.

コメント (21)
  • Actually, the drum patterns are the same. Just that the repeated hats are quieter. You can kind of hear the repeated hats at the beginning.
  • Jesus this is the most demonic, true ending, badass, endgame, boss music I've EVER HEARD!!!! I love this song to death and although I have a lot of favorites this is the one that plays in the end.
  • @giannivttr
    This sounds so early 2000’s Jason Griffith sonic. I love this game and the og modern sonic so much.
  • I didn't even know there were two versions of this song. And I've been playing it since my childhood
  • Thank you soo much for making this possible. I like this version of Digital Dimension better than the version with the added drums.
    Thank you for bringing this into the limelight. The beats sound more aggressive than the CD version.
  • thank you so much for extending the in-game version. Definitely the way better version than the OST
  • @lipe68
    boss: bruhhh , wrrrrr , stomachake
  • Has ANYONE ever beat Babylon Guardian as Super Sonic in under 1:30 on a three-lap race?? Is it even possible?
  • If it's possible, can you get a rip of the cutscene soundtrack where the Babylon Guardian makes his first appearance?
  • cyriak in mega man 2 be like idea for cyriak in mega man 2 a secret stage WILL happen if u collect 3 skulss hidden in 3 levels that will be metal man air man and bubble man the stage will have warps inculding a city with mutants (beast enders) a stange house (spirit of christmas) (and the mini boss will be the deer from video) return to city with a wierd mutant chasin ya (dead enders) any fighting wierd multiplying animals (any one of those videos) after going through all of that chaos you will meet the cyriak himself (WARNING! he will be very powerful he maybe summon falling platforms and summon lasers he can use any weapons of the 8 robot masters it said he was the TRUE maker of the robots or humans as i call them) (phase 2 will be him flying and u running after him he may summon lasers like always he might summon enemies from those portals) (phase 3 aka G MAX form this will be a very powerful form of cyriak he can try and crush you he has the power of all 8 robot masters from mega man 2) (then the end he will accept his fate but he will join ur team but u have to choose accept his fate or let him join if fate we will never see him again if join he will tell u everything about him and wily) phew that was long to make... hope u like the idea