Yasmin alibhai brown makes wild claims about Andrew Neil

Andrew Neil accusation from Yasmin Alibhai Brown.

コメント (16)
  • Tweeting his opinion is now bullying . She is truly away with the remainer fairies .
  • @ross3350
    Tweeting an opinion about politics is now bullying? Who is the extremist exactly?
  • She has disappeared for quite some time from our screens. Good.
  • To be fair Ms Brown should know what she is talking about when it comes to hypocrisy and bullying
  • If you ask him , it think you will find he voted to remain in the the eu , but it might be nice to ask him
  • @jota3732
    She should of left the British people alone, we are peaceful people that except people from other lands , but when they turn on the hand that has fed them , well this is what you end up with .
  • I put her on a par with Owen Jones.I'm not interested in either of their opinions.