
コメント (21)
  • Great job hopping back on :) I feel we often don't give enough credit to young horses going through water for the first time. It touches them, it ripples, it moves under them, the reflections, everything about it is quite scary! Very pleased with how you handled it and understood that for him, he'll be a great eventer once he understands that you wouldn't purposefully lead him into anything harmful :)
  • So interesting watching a youngster facing XC jumps for the first time. He just needed to see them once and then got his confidence for the second attempt. Well done getting back on at the water. He was very chilled with that by the end. He learnt alot that day!
  • I love the Erol updates. It just shows how much work goes into making these horses reach the levels they do 👌🏼
  • I LOVE the way way Erol had no problem cantering BACK through water after you parted company!
  • Max is like a kid in a candy store cross country, just looks for more and more fences, Erol did really well, put his big boy pants on and tried really hard, hope you are not too sore, well done xx
  • Im glad you made it through relatively unscathed! It’s always interesting to me to try to look at things through a youngster’s eyes. I’m glad Erol did well the next day. Give him time and he’ll be your 5 star horse some day!❤
  • What a great training day for the horses. Glad you’re ok and was able to get back on
  • Youngsters need all the time and attention. He’s still got a long ways to go but he looks like he’s going to have a determination and go get factor. Bless him he was totally Cooked after that. It was a big day out for him. Max just looks on form.
  • Little baby was overstimulated and went feral 😮😂 hope u both are ok; minus your fall off this was a really great video I found nicks instruction really useful
  • @sophiegae
    As a novice rider in her early thirties I can definitely not give quality advice, but wouldn’t have been better to get him more used to water first? He seemed to handle it so much better once he was led in slowly.
  • I just got out of a rabbit hole of watching terrifying trainers with riders who were put in situations they should NOT have been in. Falls happen. It’s part of riding. But THIS trainer, knows what he’s doing and it’s refreshing after the YouTube journey I just went on lol
  • @mazfb9240
    Amazing how much progress Erol made in such a short time. I am totally impressed and hope your knee isn't too sore.
  • Well done! You did a great job on a horse that was clearly unsure of himself the whole time. You nursed him around brilliantly and at least the water ended well. 😀
  • Thanks so much for sharing. It was really interesting to see Errol gradually grow in his confidence - loved the speech bubbles, which seemed spot on with his body language.
  • You almost had it, hope your OK! You and Maximus looked amazing! Erol is coming along so well, kudos to your training!!! Nick seems awesome love watching his demos on the ground
  • @Kirinn06
    I love him over jumping everything 🥺🥺
  • Well Done Ashleigh! Young Horses!! Well done for completing the lesson you started with Errol !! 🤩🤩
  • Bless his heart. He just didn’t understand bless him 🥺 good on you getting back can imagine you was V sore after that. Think the water on his belly was very scary even for the bravest of babies ❤️
  • Well done - don’t you just love young horses 😊 Errol has a lovely jump he’s going to be super in the future ❤