VIVIAN VOICE REVEAL! More Paper Mario TTYD Screenshots + Analysis!


コメント (16)
  • Fun Fact: the “missiles” in the Great Boggly Tree were always intended to be giant mechanical pencils! They needed to manufacture and keep them around in case Lord Crump needs to sign orders but he’s having too much fun in Magnus von Grapple.
  • @gamerman7918
    I would love to hear Vivian’s voice if you could at least be quiet when the video is playing.
    7:05 And now every partner has been shown to be a partner in some form.
  • I never played Thousand-Year Door I'm really excited to experience it for the first time
  • I just wanna know what those other blocks in the warp zone lead to did they listen and actually add new content for the game for players who played the original and add like a boss rush or a true post game we just don't know, i Refuse to believe that they would make the remake and not add anything Actually New it just wouldn't make sense imo, hopefully we find out soon if it's just the same game without anything new most people including me Will Be Very Upset For Obvious Reasons.
  • @Christoph8
    They gave the enemies new animations, but not low HP animations?
  • For anyone wondering about the dialogue with Vivian and Beldam in "that scene", I have a translation. I don't know what it will be like for other languages, but it went something like this. After Vivian introduces them as "the three sisters". Beldam: Sisters? That's not mysterious enough! And not scary enough! How many times must I tell you? Vivian: I'm sorry, Beldam. It just makes me happy to be your sister, and finally... Beldam: There is no "finally"! Your punishment will be terrible! This makes me pity poor Vivian even more than in the original English, because instead of just wanting to feel pretty and being called ugly, Vivian's attention is less self-focused, just wanting to be part of a family, but shot down for it because it doesn't uphold the mysterious, scary image Beldam wants them to have. It's really sad to see Vivian just want to show a little sisterly affection to Beldam, even though Beldam treats her horribly. I mean, keep in mind this was just after Beldam took the necklace Vivian had as punishment for something the SHE lost and falsely blamed Vivian for to save face, and still, Vivian just wants to be seen as family. I kind of detect a little Stockholm syndrome there, and that makes Beldam seem even more cruel and abusive. The English dub for the remake has made some changes I don't like, such as the catcalling removal as that was a really funny scene. The removal of Bowser calling one of his minions "tubby" was disappointing when I first heard about it, sounding like some more political correctness nonsense, but then I found out that the line is replaced with something even funnier and more clever, so I'm cool with it. If the English dub goes for this route for Vivian, I think I'll also enjoy this change a lot more than the original as well.
  • Pffff ils ont vraiment censuré la transidentité de Viviane???? Depuis des années qu'on sait qu'elle est trans et là nintendo fait juste tout enlever comme si elle était une femme cis... c'est quand même important pour la communauté trans... nintendo commence à perdre ma confiance de plus en plus...
  • I'm glad Vivian will be female this time around, TBH when I first found out she was trans in the OG made me a bit uncomfortable, at least it's changed in the remake for the better
  • @TotalMK
    Vivian is male, with a feminine voice hence why his Sisters pick on him.