This minecraft base is not good actually


コメント (21)
  • @Kenadian
    Are you subscribing here for more debunks? May I recommend...... the main channel?
  • @aleph_zero1
    This is like watching a kid's sandcastle being obliterated by 3kg of high explosive while the detonator is roasting the kid LMAO
  • The fact they took the time to setup lightning spamming tridents but not the time to bring one elder guardian to the center of the base is hilarious to me
  • 0:43 honestly, my first thought was “mine under it”.

    One of the biggest things I’ve learned about playing on a server is that the safest base is the most subtle. I had a base that no one could find, and it was just a hole in the ground with a bunch of chests, a bed, and an enchanting set up. All my valuables were kept under my bookshelves, so no one stole from me since they didn’t really expect to find anything valuable in a hole in the ground base.

    Guess what people think when they see a giant and “secure” base? They either don’t care, or they see a challenge. They think “imma beat this thing”, and keep trying to break in, which just leaves you paranoid and worried. If you have a subtle and quiet base for your valuables, you’re less likely to be stolen from, and guess what you can also do? Write down coordinates for your valuables and hide them! It leaves the risk of someone randomly finding them, but if you put them at the bottom of the ocean for example, or by the stronghold, places where people are usually just coming and going, they’re not likely to be found unless someone's actively looking for them.
  • Honestly not fair to assume that the builder would account for the fact that the invader would have their monitor on
  • There is one thing all these youtubers should know:

    "The only safe house in Minecraft is a hidden one!"
    -Mumbo Jumbo
  • Obviously the trick is to build a giant intimidating looking base and then bury all your valuables in a hole vaguely near it.
  • Saying "Oh you can't use Elytra to break in!!!" is like telling a home invader that they aren't allowed to steal anything or hurt you.
  • @Artrysa
    Let's face it, the most secure base has always been a layered, obsidian box. It's not very exciting but bloody hell does it work.
  • @Wunba
    Oh boy… this sounds like a challenge to make truly the safest base that accounts for all of these… 🤔
  • The fact that you CAN'T use elytras to get into the base in the challange really shows how "secure" it is
  • @coolxplayer12
    Okay I thought this would be a lame video about him just criticising the build but it was honestly funny watching him infiltrate the castle
  • we all know the safest base is a dirt hurt with a "pls no stealing" sign outside of it
  • @segator105
    This guy is like that other guy that can guess the location of anything from a picture. DO NOT let these people turn into villains.
  • @Drekromancer
    This is so satisfying to me. It's like watching a skilled swordsman declare that he'll beat his next opponent one-handed - and after that, he'll beat them with both hands tied behind his back. It goes on and on until, in the final round, you see a limbless, blindfolded, earplugged swordsman effortlessly parrying his opponent and winning the match using a rapier held in his mouth.
  • @mesterg6896
    whenever i see stuff about the "safest base" i always think "is it hidden? If not then its not safe"
  • Basically when your base is found... you have to make another base