The second pandemic

Publicado 2024-01-15

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Human_Being__
    ✨ "The more society denies the truth, the more it will punish those who speak it!" ✨ - George Orwell.
  • @lillis887
    🙏🙏As an ICU nurse on the front lines,THANK YOU!! Tired of watching people die!!!😢😢❤🙏🙏Take your vitamin D!!❤️❤️
  • I was working in the music industry. My gut was screaming don’t get the shot, but the client I was working with refused to hire anyone without the shot and said anyone who didn’t get the shot was walking around murdering people. I caved and went to get the shot and cried while getting it. I’ll never go against my gut again and regret it everyday. My joints hurt and my heart races easily. My memory is terrible. Sometimes I have a hard time explaining myself. The brain fog is bad. I’m only 34. Often I give myself anxiety thinking “what have I done?” “Will this cause me to die early with cancer or disease”? I now aggressively take my health into my own hands and listen to my body. Never again will I allow someone to bully me into something I know isn’t right. It’s so sad. I’ll definitely up my vitamin D intake after watching this!
  • @cv7357
    😢 The amount of courage, concern and care eminating from these two men brought tears to my eyes. I pray for a blanket of truth to fall upon the world regardng this crime against humanity. Lord please have mercy on us.
  • @weeziebob
    My Endocrinologists knew I wouldn't get the shot. In 2020 she prescribed high dose vitamin D, never pushed the shot. I thank the Lord she knew what was going on. Thank you both for sharing this vital information.
  • @millsgirl2
    This is just like a balm to my soul. Hearing two learned men speaking clearly and bravely, and truthfully about the things that we know, really helps offset the crazy gaslighting and deception that most of us are living with every day. I found myself in tears midway through this, thinking about what it would be like if we didn’t have Dr. John.
  • @jeffharder833
    My sister works in a very popular hospital in Canada. They had a covid go through their hospital and when they did blood tests on those infected they found everyone was very low on vitamin D.
  • @spacelion9.1
    Usually I don’t interact in social medias in this way, but after having watched this video I feel like it’s worth to share my experience. I’m 27. I’ve always been in a good shape, fortunately. Never suffered from any major issue. Before getting my first dose of vaccine I did blood test, I was severely deficient from vitamin D (below 10). I got my first dose back when it was released. Right after, from the exactly same afternoon, I started having an intense migraine which lasted night and day for weeks, months. Had a brain scan multiple times, nothing was found out. Meanwhile my short period memory got suddenly worse, making me forget basically everything right after I’ve done it. Had a second dose of vaccine. A couple of weeks later, a tinnitus suddenly appeared in my left hear and never left since then. I contracted corona virus first in 2023, but it wasn’t bad. Around September of the last year I started having muscle spasms all around my body, everywhere. Sometimes my hands slightly tremble. My view gets blurred and I occasionally loose sensitivity around my legs, feets, partially my face, toes too. As a direct consequence of all of this, I lost my sleep and I struggle a lot to go through my daily life. I checked again my Vitamin D levels, still low, they’ve always been low for the past few years- at least. Only now my doctor acknowledged that more seriously and give me a prescription of a 6-months vitamin d supplement to raise it up the levels. I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know what’s the cause of what I’m experiencing, but nobody seems to listen. All the doctors I’ve talked to do not take it seriously, told me I’m just anxious. At this point I’ve just lost hope. Every week something new comes up and I’m scared I will face worse consequences all of a sudden. Thanks for the video, I hope that it’s not too late for me to heal up, I’ll see if the vitamin d levels raise up and that positively impacts my “condition”.
  • @morekamison4501
    I am a medical student in Botswana 🇧🇼 and I would like to thank Doctor John for his work in shedding light into what medicine without evidence has done to people's lives, its unfortunate I cannot train under Dr Campbell
  • @artzk1
    What a shame, even a crime, that this research is ignored. So many lives lost. Thank you, gentlemen for showing this information.
  • Dr. Campbell, you have 3 million followers because you are a genuine man, so knowledgeable and truly care for others. You deserve an award of some kind!!! You are the only one that i would trust going forward!!!!
  • @sarahrose1665
    Simply AWESOME cache of LIFE SAVING INFO... I'M 76 AND APPRECIATE THE WISDOM OF SEASONED was a delight listening to unbiased findings in truth...THANK YOU...Enduring Respect to you both💕 🙋🌹GA USA 👍🇺🇸
  • I have olive skin. Asked the doctor to put on on blood test Vit D. Refused saying you have GOOD SKIN so you are ok. I persisted. When my test came back the doctor was in shock!! Very low Vit D. “YOU have to be the doctor for yourself, cause we know our bodies better than anyone else!”
  • This conversation is like a balm to my soul. Two Northern Englishmen speaking the Truth. Many thanks John.
  • @dayriderschat
    Just laid out vitamin D to take with my Dinner .....This video is being sent to all of my friends...Thanks a million Doctors (I am 84) .....
  • @glendagrant9042
    Started watching Dr John beginning of 2020. Son was here and went shopping. We went down vitamin aisle and I decided why not. Bought my vit D. Took it everyday. August 2020 at 70 with every comorbidity possible I had covid pneumonia. I was treated in hospital but not admitted. I was very sick for one month but survived. I always believe Dr John might have saved my life. I did know I had been low on vit D as I was tested and prescribed it when treated for breast cancer a few years before.
  • @Sachaai101
    I realllly really want to say a huge thank you to these angelic doctors . The world is a blessed due to the goodness of such people 💕 I have suffered so much since pandemic
  • @urbinblytte429
    absolutely brilliant and a relief to see experienced health professionals talk truth and health. unlike the medical establishment espousing politics, greed, profits and control. thank you Dr C and Dr. G.
  • @ThomasKing19933
    Brilliant to see your last video wasn't pulled down, John. This channel gets better every day and I thoroughly enjoy the brilliant guests you speak to. Thank you for keeping millions of people informed.