LEEDS RIOTS: Full Explained

Published 2024-07-19

All Comments (16)
  • I think things may have been a lot more complicated on the ground & riskier than you may think Baraka? British & UK Police Constables are not supposed to be military & risk their lives that much, or be part of the government forces, .. they are supposed to be civilians just like yourself & I. For more info, look up "the Peelian principles of policing". "The police are the public and the public are the police.", "Prevention is better than response.", "Police powers are dependent on public approval.", "Securing the willing cooperation of the public is best.", "To prevent crime & disorder to the best of their abilities", "Cooperation from the public prevents the need for force.", "Only use force where necessary & to a minimum.", "Impartial service to law, protect & preserve life as best as they can.", .. The police are only supposed to be there to try to their best to prevent a disturbance to the peace & investigate reported, or witnessed crime. Dragging that child away from his home, .. looks unlawful & criminal & looked beyond the lawful authority of the police, ..?
  • @DC3Refom
    barak dont be fooled by that idlamist he was playing to the camera , he has nobpolivies for leeds , just gza was elevted on thqt
  • Why were there all ready so many people there when they were taking the children ?
  • @StennMathis
    Keep up the good work on your channel mate, you're doing far more than most full of bitterness in the comments...Onwards and upwards mate
  • One can change their passport and accent, but they can never change their skin colour, genetics, history etc. Britain is originally a white country. Africans, Arabs, Asians and other Europeans should never lose their authentic identity!!!! ❤
  • @rachelE894
    they knew they were in the wrong, that is why they ran away! they do not want this to be a big issue because they know they are in the wrong! unlucky for them this is now a huge issue!
  • Same as BLM protests lets not forget! All you are doing is proving my ancestors correct.
  • @tubbsstubs16
    They don't care about the kids It's just an excuse to vent their hatred for UK.
  • you literally have no clue what you’re talking about😂 like those people being interviewed would tell the truth😂
  • It’s sad the way the kids were removed from the house, but looking at the way that young boy was trying to kick and hit the police guy makes me a bit less sympathetic, though.. being that age I’d never dream of trying to hit, lash out or even answer back a police officer.. even if he dragged me off the street for no reason whatsoever. Not just police but any adult at all, even a stranger! Even if the adult started it and said something cheeky back, we’d still get in the same amount of trouble for it and made to apologise to the person🤨 Kids have zero fear of any consequences for bad or disrespectful behaviour as a child.. they’re just all left to run riot in the streets terrorising their neighbourhoods.. and we wonder why there’s so many grown ups now still don’t know right from wrong😒 I know that rant wasn’t fully relevant to this situation, but is a big part of what’s wrong with most youths and young adults brought up the same way😑
  • Parents who have neglected their children, injured their children do take them to hospital...and sometimes its too late. We have case history and dead and abused babies and children. Now this could just be a terrible accident in very unusual circumstances amd I really feel for the family if that is the case, but it could be neglect because they are not properly looked after if they are too young and left for long periods, hence too much scope for dangerous accidents. I appreciate the parents were perhaps out working, or mum popped to the shop for a pint of milk for few mins and an accident happened. But what if the parents are placing all the kids in danger continuously? What if the story of the kids dropping the baby is not the truth? There is an obligation here to make sure the kids are safe becauae we would soon be outraged if social services didnt act and the next thing ine of them is badly hurt or dead. There is no excuse for burning buses or the neighbourhood and putting more people in danger and destroying the services they rely on. Thats an appalling way to protest and is not going to make social services send the children back to a family in a rioting and lawless family or community.
  • Also.. see if they didn’t take the kids and it turned out the parents hurt the child, and the police took their word it was an accident and left, and god forbid something serious happened to the child or other ones.. then they’d be rioting that the police didn’t take the kids! Any decision made would’ve been the wrong one in the mass mobs opinions! People who burn down their own community, and the children’s for whom they all care so much about! Absolutely disgraceful!
  • @rachelE894
    i stand by them and i hope people react this way everytime our children are at risk by corrupt social services, only then will they stop and people wake up to what is really going on!
  • And when I thought people are innocent until proven guilty. If indeed the parents abused their children, then there should be a way to prove it and even better, to enroll them in a training program to better themselves intead of taking action without any confirmation of malice intent. It is not the first time children were taken from their families and given to other people who paid for that service, especially to those who can't make children, and if the legal process takes few years, then the child can actually be manipulated into thinking that is best for him. Certain circumstances might be better for the child, such as X living into a wealthy family if X came from a poor one, but doesn't mean they are right and moral. Those seem to be gypsies from Romania, or I guess the term is Roma now, but everyone else gathering probably are just anti-system people who are clueless on what actually happened and just take the opportunity to do stupid stuff, thinking they are doing "God's work", and ofc the looters who seem to be present at every protest for their "benefit". As far as conflict goes, burning some stuff in the middle of the street away from buildings is still better than what other minorities are doing in UK, such as stabbings which is predominant a "we all know who" thing. To deal with a mob is very hard considering the effect of mob mentality. Not sure if using force, such as armored troops, pepper spray or water guns would do much. Communication is key in these circumstances, and it could be that the authorities acted illegally, or abusing themselves. Funny how all this is because the assumption of those parents abusing their children, but when you look, the authorities are abusing those children also.