Tired of not finding the infamous arcade Starwars BattlePod in my zone (Barcelona), last week I decided to put a remedy and design and develop my own Starwars BattlePod in VR.

Of course you can't play the original game in your house as this game is not emulated nor exists a home version, but instead I used the best (IMHO) Starwars game in the history of the videogames. Rogue Squadron II for the Gamecube.You can execute that game with the dolphin emulator and change the resolution to HD so I used 1280x720 for this test.

Another problem arised, GameCube has no Libretro emulator and I can't use it in my RetroArcade as I did with the mame games so a different approach was needed. I read sometime ago that is possible to stream a movie inside a Unity texture, the idea was to stream the game into a Unity Texture with the minimum latency possible. So I captured the desktop of the PC playing the game in full screen and sent the image in local network to the client (the VR unity player) using ffmpeg.

Another issue was mapping the texture inside a dome, as you may know, is impossible to correctly map a game texture inside a dome without some complex math, so that was another point. At the end and thanks to some tricky manual UV mapping in the 3D package Blender I finished with a very convincing textured dome image!

This is the result , It's me playing Rogue Squadron 2 in HD (dolphin emulator) inside a Unity Texture in Virtual Reality with the Oculus Rift.

The result is pretty convincing, I think is like the real thing and IT WORKS!!!!!!

The cool thing is , now I CAN PLAY ANY GAME IN VR with this system, in fact I have even played REBEL STRIKE!.

pd: The sound is not in sync because I had to save the sound in a different PC for making the video for youtube , but when you play the sync is perfect.

Thanks for watching guys!!!