DESA TERPENCIL TELAGA SARANGAN !! Pemandangan Alam Desa Ngluweng - Cerita Desa Magetan, Jawa Timur

Publicado 2024-05-27
#village #magetan #mountain

REMOTE VILLAGE OF TELAGA SARARAN!! Natural Views of Ngluweng Village - Stories of Magetan Village, East Java

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✨ Village friends ✨

This time, the Indonesian village story video content will continue the adventures of Khabib and Zahwa to visit and go on an adventure to one of the villages and villages in Indonesia. Villages and villages in Indonesia provide natural views of the countryside such as rice fields, hills, mountains and houses of villagers and village communities which are very beautiful and rare. The atmosphere in the village is very rare and rarely found in the city. The atmosphere of villages and villages in Indonesia is still beautiful, natural, cool and comfortable. Villagers and villagers usually live in hills, rice fields and mountains with a beautiful natural village atmosphere. The atmosphere of villages and villages will make us nostalgic, nostalgic, and feel like we are back in the villages and villages of the past when we were small and lived in the village. The atmosphere of ancient villages and villages will always be remembered as a beautiful view.

📍 This time the Indonesian Village Story will explore the village/village atmosphere along the slopes of Mount Lawu and the Mongkrang Mountains. Precisely in Dele Hamlet, Buluharjo Village, Plaosan District, Magetan Regency, East Java Province.

The house of Mrs. Indah who gave us a ride is located in Dele Hamlet, Buluharjo Village. The location is close to Plaosan Market. The natural scenery around Mrs. Indah's house turned out to be very beautiful, like a painting. There are expanses of rice fields filled with yellow rice ready for harvest, the very majestic Mount Lawu, and a very beautiful blue sky. This combination creates a very beautiful natural view.

Hopefully the video content of Indonesian village stories can be entertainment, guidance, motivation, inspiration, education, and a cure for longing for the atmosphere of your hometown like in the past. Villages and villages that are still beautiful, natural, traditional, and whose local wisdom and culture are maintained make the village atmosphere something to be proud of. The friendliness of the residents, unique village food, and the politeness of the villagers are the characteristics of rural residents

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Sibondes
    Waalaikumsalam wr.wb mantap mas pemandangannya,terimakasih sudah diajak jalan2 desa ngluweng magetan
  • @emakbinti7966
    Pernah ke Magetan 4x memang bagus pmdanganya dingin udaranya
  • @rinisriendar5760
    Ikut jalan2 nih ..... menikmati keindahan alam ...... semoga lancar, manfaat, barokah dan sehat selalu, Aamiin Yaa Robbal 'Aalamiin
  • Mantap, hati2 mbk zahwa untuk jaga adik yg dlm kandungan cari yg aman saja, lanjut 👍👍
  • Mas Habib keliling2 desa terus, angin2an terus, jaga kesehatan yo, makannya yg banyak biar gemukan dikit😁😁
  • @restylaros2042
    Emang keren kalau ambil video mas khabib mbk zahwa ini.. Baru pembukaan di awal video aja udh disuguhi pemandangan yg indah sekali... Hati hati selalu dalam explore dan dijalan mas khabib... Karena mbk zahwa udh berbadan 2 ya.... Sehat selalu dan ditunggu terus kedatangannya di banyuwangi😊
  • @brianda28
    Indah dan mempesona pemandangan dan alam pedesaannya sungguh mengagumkan
  • @Info24J4m
    mantab suka dgan suasanany masi terlihat begitu asri ligkungganny......
  • Hampir saja ktinggalan alhamdulillaah slalu bisa ikut jlan" dari banyumas mas, smga mas&mba shat slalu
  • @irawatikribo5580
    Maksh sdh diajak lihat alam yg indah Maksh nak Habib+nak Zahwa Sehat & semangat sll Aamiin
  • Dua lantai masee.... ato 3 lantai, bukan lantai 2 ato lantai 3. maaf....
  • @user-yb6tc7cu9i
    Kunjungi perdesaan trus pa abang gk krja ta.salut ma petualanganya
  • @fio_spchanel9188
    Luar biasa... Cuci mata kita dengan yang hijau",,rumahnya juga tak kalah keren sama orang kota😂🎉🎉.. Swiss nya indo ini🎉🎉