Was it Good? - The Bouncer

Published 2023-04-29
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Ok we all have great memories of this game, we all remember it being awesome, but we were also all kids, so let's replay it with the benefits of age and wisdom...

oh no...oh NO.

The bouncer was an unholy mix of beat-em-up and RPG which succeeded at being neither, it's a 1 hour long mess of a game which really wants you to replay it but offeres no real reason to play it in the first place.

Thanks to the supporters on Patreon, Twitch and Youtube who keep the channel alive :)

All Comments (21)
  • @WhooFlungPoo
    I worked as a bouncer as a favor to a friend one time and was surprised at the amount of mechs and ninjas i had to deal with. Had it not been for this game i might have died that night.
  • @termion
    A main villain lamenting the amount of humiliation they've been through then revealing they've been wearing denim overalls this entire time is quite frankly the best example of "show, don't tell" I can imagine.
  • @Prizzlesticks
    Remember that time Sora from Kingdom Hearts teamed up with Zell from FFVIII and a tatted up Amon from Escaflowne, and they fought to rescue cyborg Cecillia from Wild Arms from the clutches of her brother, Sydney from Vagrant Story? And then they finally answered everyone's questions about where Rinoa was in Kingdom Hearts by turning her into a cat and killing her. Damn, that was nuts.
  • @krench421
    Seeing the badass heros get slightly nudged and immediately faceplate onto the ground will never get old. Ragdoll physics are a blessing.
  • I used to work as a bouncer. This is exactly how it was. /sigh Brings back memories.
  • I just remember my cousin and I beating the game and unlocking all the characters to play the local brawl-style fighting multiplayer with. There was a level with a staircase and we would fight at the top floor just to throw each other down the stairs and crack up at the ragdoll effects haha
  • I’m so glad you mentioned the Sora / Sion relation. As a kid I was convinced that Kingdom Hearts and Bouncer were somehow either a prequel or a sequel based on the design of Sion.
  • @AL_Krispie
    36:00 "You could never understand the humiliation I have gone through!" Takes off jacket to reveal overalls I freaking cried laughing lmao.
  • I never knew how difficult being a bouncer truly was, this game has opened my eyes
  • @calimantis
    I remember my friends and I calling Volt's charge attack the "random act of violence" because of how he could sometimes completely change direction mid charge and belt someone else in the face unexpectedly. We had so much fun with this game, hearing Volt's EEEEYEH really takes me back
  • @CartoonEric
    One thing I remember best from the game is after you defeat Mugetsu the final time he gets killed by engine fire from the platform ship thing your characters were on. If you played Kou in that segment he'll comment, "Incineration, huh? Better get used to that for where you're going." I got to admit that I liked that line.
  • @Flackon
    I unironically love the UI in The Bouncer. Definitely its most distinctive aspect. Love that hi-tech but minimalist computer aesthetic
  • 35:26 I'm in tears. This shouldn't be as funny as it is. The fact that absolutely nobody gave a shit while Dauragon kept typing on his keyboard makes it so much funnier.
  • You're an absolute hero for tallying up the load time, cutscene time, and gameplay time. As a kid it was painfully obvious how little time you spend actually playing, but it's fun to see some actual numbers.
  • @tylercafe1260
    It always surprises me how you'll truly go through so many different games and thoroughly. I see so many reviews and often think "Did they even play that game they're reviewing?" But whenever I see your videos I think "Holy crap he actually played it" You also don't get so immersed within company history and who did it why like others and just focus on the game. It always feels relevant and really focuses on the experience of the game. Keyword experience.
  • @SxpnthR
    Honestly, when I played this game in 2000 as an 11 year old, I played it so many times over and over and over again to max the characters and had a tremendous time with it. At 33 though I don't know that I'd be able to play it now but I seriously remember this game fondly =)
  • This game feels like a relic akin to when we see old wooden toys and think “how was that fun?” …you need the context and imagination of childhood to get full value here
  • God, just hearing THE BOUNCER filled me with such nostalgia I now want nothing more than to slam Coke Vanilla and shove popcorn with WAAAAAY too much salt on it into my face hole. This game with that snack and beverage combo was how I lived when I first got my PS2.
  • @MrBangBat
    I laughed out loud when Dominique is stammering through how they can escape and Kou says "What are you talking about?" like he just wandered into a conversation mid way.
  • As a kid, Dauragon changing clothes/phases was the coolest thing. Combat is nostalgic but I loved the team attacks.