Carers Suffer too, Not Just Those We Love & Care For.

Published 2022-11-02
The whole point of this video is to focus on the harsher parts of parenting and caring for a disabled child ONLY.
This is the reason why I included no positives in the video.

I used the personal situation of my son and I as the basis for this video, but tried to keep it inclusive for other parents/carers.

It hurt me so much to voice all these painful memories and thoughts.
I just hope that if someone else is in pain right now that you know you are not alone❤️

Please note:
- When I discuss "talking" at 8 months old, my son never actually babbled, so my apologies for the incorrect wording.

- My son has multiple disabilities including autism and I covered baby years to 8 years old.

- ALWAYS ask me to clarify anything that you are uncertain of in my videos.

Disclaimer: I am not a trained medical professional and I am not qualified to give out medical advice.


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