
コメント (21)
  • "If you see a white spot on a banana, do not eat it." That one sticker that doesn't come off:
  • “If your drink smells like cinnamon, it’s most likely poisoned” Me who tops my Hot Cocoa with cinnamon sugar: Fear noises
  • @Fedwerter
    "Oh look, a dandelion must be the last one this season*eats* PFFFF"
  • "If you ever take a picture with the flash on and see white on your pupil go to a doctor immediately." Me: immediately blinds myself trying to see if I have white on my pupil.
  • This is the most hydrated man on the planet
  • @P.e.m.a.
    Use distilled white vinegar or baking soda to clean. Ive been using both for years and they work awesome. Vinegar smells initially, but it goes away quickly and it disinfects - excellent for countertops, laundry, floors, etc. Safer for kids, pets and you. ☺️❤️
  • “If your drink smells like cinnamon, it might be poisoned.” So… can I drink my apple cider yet?
  • “If your drink ever smells like cinnamon do not drink it, this is how people hide poison” People who drink cinnamon apple cider:👁👄👁
  • The banana thing is actually extremely specific; what you're worried about is one specific kind of spider species called banana spider or Brazilian wandering spider. They are extremely venomous to humans, are extremely aggressive when agitated, and can cause fatal reaction symptoms in as little as half an hour.
  • Me: Puts Cinnamon on my tea. Icycol: It’s deadly now.
  • “If your drink smells like Cinnamon. Don’t drink it, it’s a cover up for poison.” Me who just ordered a coffee with cinnamon: I feel a disturbance in the force
  • “If your banana has this white spot on it, don’t take a bit into it” Ah yes, let me just take a bit out of this banana without peeling it
  • "If your drink smells like cinnamon, it's most likely poisoned." Me, who has a cinnamon flavoured hot chocolate: confused screaming
  • “hey doc, i came here today because there was a bit of white in my eye when i took a picture?”
  • The fact about the eye is actually talking about a rare type of cancer that only affects 1.2% of people. There are two ways to treat this. Chemotherapy which is risky and can kill you or removing part of the eye all together which will cause you to go blind in one eye.
  • That's how my mom found out I had retinoblastoma, cancer of the eye. She noticed in every picture she took of me, from when i was two, that there was a white dot on one eye and a red dot on the other. She took me in, and they told her I have advanced cancer and that it was spreading to my other eye and eventually could take over my body. She had to choose to let it be and it'd eventually take me, or to remove my entire right eye and live. Soooo, now I wear a prosthetic eye. :)
  • The fact that I showed this to my mom and she never bought bananas after this is what’s killing me💀