Progress after 33.6 hours of Beat Saber! (2/2) League of Legends - Rise

Published 2021-06-30
I got my first VR headset on April 6th of 2021, and have been playing Beat Saber nearly every day since. At first I couldn't play for long at all, maybe 10 minutes at a time before I got too tired. I also couldn't play above hard, and even hard songs were sometimes too much for me.

Fast forward to June 30th 2021, where for the last week there has been an historic heatwave, so I haven't been able to play much. I adore this game, it has rapidly taken the position of my favourite rhythm game which used to be Muse Dash. I can now play for an hour or more at a time, I catch my breath so quickly when I'm done and it feels like I haven't done any work at all - ignoring all the sweat of course.

The progress has been amazing for me. I've struggled with my health for a long time, and one of the biggest issues was my cardio health. This has helped me to improve it quite a lot, and I'm so glad I got this game.

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