9 Signs An Empath Soul Is Exhausted And Needs Healing

Published 2019-09-18
9 Signs An Empath Soul Is Exhausted And Needs Healing.

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Hello, guys. Welcome back to the channel.

Often times, the lives of an empath are full of challenging experiences, which make them feel stressed and drained. The reason is that empaths are more sensitive than others, so even normal stimulations are enough to make them feel exhausted.

I bet you already know some symptoms of being an empath. Things like:
feeling overwhelmed in public places
can't differentiate your own emotions from those of others'
experiencing other people's pain and suffering
can't stand watching violence news or movies
and the need for alone time to recharge energies.

Well, you're right at describing an empath. Then you must understand by now that an empath will need to learn some protective techniques to keep themselves from getting exhausted and drained. Anyway, I will also cover some useful protection techniques for empaths in my next video, guys.

So, in this video, I'm going to show you some signs that it's not really your body, but your soul that is exhausted and depleted of energy. If you think this information is useful, please help to like and share this video, guys. And don't forget to check the link on the description below, guys.

Please watch the rest of the video to see all lists .

All Comments (21)
  • @2011ariesrules
    Jealous what an insult lol!! We are never jealous of others but rather the opposite we attract a lot of jealous envious people which piss's us off!! Empaths genuinely want the best for others and expect the back in return!
  • @trex283
    Honestly need an empath support group.
  • @liberte...
    1. You don't feel rested when u wakeup. 2. You feel something is wrong, but u just cannot tell. 3. You often space out. 4. ppl around u can drain or annoy u. 5. All emotions are intensified. 6. You feel a profound sense of loneliness. 7. You are physically exhausted. 8. You are emotionally vulnerable n constantly hitting rock bottom. 9. Your mind is filled with negativity. I had been feeling this alllllllll my life...I really feel lk staying away from ppl for as long as I can...
  • It bothers me when I feel for other people and want a stronger friendship but they don’t feel the same for me. I used to put a lot of energy toward people but would get nothing in return. I think #9 is when your at your breaking point and you just don’t care anymore. I have at times felt jealous wishing I have a connection with people or just 1 person. But being around a group of people is exhausting for me. I’m at the point now I’m content with myself and have found some happiness within myself and it was very hard for me in the beginning. You can’t rely on other people for your happiness.
  • @blogoosfera
    I am an INFJ and HSP. No matter how bad my life is, I will never be jealous of other people's success and happiness. My problems are my problems and have nothing to do with other people. I also don't hate others. Hate is a very strong word.
  • @Agaettis
    "You feel something is wrong but you just can't figure it out" Me this whole year
  • @shakaboom1000
    Positive vibes going out to everybody who has found themselves here. Same as a lot of you I'm exhausted. I stopped watching most news for the last three years as I found it was crushing me and was too much for me to take on whilst I was trying to build myself back up. After over a decade of narcissistic abuse I have cut out all " friends" who I realised just were not on the same wavelength as me, the takers in life. They are gone now. I've moved home and now I'm surrounded by nature..I find the sun, moon, flora and fauna all help me. I'm slowly getting back and my feeling of calm is returning. As a result I do feel very constricted in crowds and find I'm exhausted after being around people. I love people but I realise certain types of people have no place in my space. Wishing all of you the very best. As for the Jealousy(9) I've never been jealous of people I compete only with myself to do better. I did hate my ex for a while but it was as a result of pain and hurt. It was more out of the disbelief that humans can be totally cruel....it goes against everything for me and i hated how cruel and evil a person could be. Now I feel the universe will take care of everything and whatever we attract is on us...basically that no deed goes unpunished/ rewarded. That being said I have let go of the anger etc. Peace and light to you all. Xx
  • @frangardner6865
    Life is becoming more and more draining! Years ago helping others was invigorating but now it is taxing! It is a sign of the division between good and evil is widening...may our Creator bless all empaths struggling with exhaustion!
  • @susanb5339
    Starts at 1:10. 1. You don't feel rested when you wake up. 2. You feel something is wrong, but you can't describe it. 3. You often space out. 4. People can drain or annoy you. 5. All emotions are intensified. 6. You feel a profound sense of loneliness. 7. You're physically exhausted. 8. You're emotionally vulnerable. 9. Your mind is filled with negativity.
  • I'm not jealous of anyone, why would I be? Most people are lost.
  • @lepakistani2176
    I'm an empath and I feel extremely saddened whenever I see someone being unjustly treated... It just keeps me thinking about their problem & pain , making scenerios in my head of what I could do to help them out even in matters that are beyond my control... And all the time spent from feeling and thinking about their pain really builds up pressure in my own work...
  • Interchange ‘jealous’ for ‘isolated’ or ‘disconnected’ and I think this was pretty spot on! I rarely feel jealousy, just that awareness that others treat or react to circumstances in ways I can’t draw support from 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • I agree with most of them except number 9. I don't hate people or feel jealous if good things are happening to them. It is the exact opposite. If they are happy, then I am happy. I feel their emotions and it makes me happy to see them so joyful. It's a win-win for everybody!
  • I know my Soul is exhausted! I’ve basically cut myself off from the outside world for awhile.
  • @aryanmia9281
    This is the story of my life! I've been 'Broken' since I was 25 yrs old, that was in 1999, I'm still struggling everyday despite the 'help' I've had. Being so overly sensitive & able to feel others pain as well as my own is crippling for me. I get jealous of people who don't feel what I have to go through, I'd love to wake up & feel rested etc, etc.
  • @phloridababe
    We are EDGY, cramped and IRRITATED! That’s what I’ve learned when I’m burned out.
  • @sexyladyakb
    I’m stressed / drained / exhausted from being a single mom w a sick mom and a depressed dog that’s acting out 😓😭 y’all pray for me
  • @NormaJean87
    I come to the defense of the person making this video in regard to #9 ... If anything maybe there could be more accurate words than jealousy & hate. I can feel along the lines of what's described in #9. Just getting tired of ALWAYS STRUGGLING & being drained & alone, while seeing others seemingly breeze along without the burdens we LIVE WITH. Always being there for people only to then feel like there's no one there for you. It's not really jealousy. I think more just a desire to have some relief, someone in your life who loves you too, & be able to enjoy life like you see others doing. If you haven't experienced it yet, there may come a time when you do, even if only in a small degree. Don't shame people who may be experiencing this. They sure don't ENJOY feeling that way & it only weighs them down more.
  • @WOLFanddBEAR
    Narcissistic abuse. I’ve just realized that’s what I’ve suffered. That’s why I feel this way. It’s like waking from the matrix.
  • @wizmaticradio
    Is envy technically Jealousy? Because usually I envy how other people were made to succeed and live their best life while I’m trying to escape the survival mode