How Streamers Ruined Gaming | Asmongold Reacts

Published 2024-03-16

All Comments (21)
  • What ruined online gaming for me is that it is not about having fun anymore. It is all revolving around chasing the lastest meta.
  • The mentality shift of "I want to have fun and relax" to "I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was!" It's the biggest reason I shifted from multiplayer to singleplayer.
  • @slaygoblins
    I work 60 hours a week. I dont want to sign in for a few hours a week and get fucking ass blasted by people that play 60 hours a week.
  • This is what happened with Street Fighter 2 in the arcades in the early 90s. Lots of people wanted to try it at first, but the top 5% or 10% of players played it so much and got so good at it, new players stopped even trying to play because they'd hate to wake in line to play just to lose in 10 seconds to the pro that just new all the combos and could end you in 3 moves without you getting a hit in.
  • @Good_Username
    This is exactly why PvE coop games like Palworld and Helldivers 2 are popping off. They break the gap between the casual and competitive players and give room to everyone
  • @TallMonster
    As Syndrome said "When everyone is super, no one will be"
  • @Czar59
    The one game I watched this happen in real time was Escape from Tarkov. Once it blew up on twitch the devs catered solely to streamers and their followers requests.
  • @Attractive_Bread
    Removing dedicated servers ruined gaming. The max you’ll play with a stranger is 20 minutes in a lobby compared to daily on dedicated servers. Having admin privileges was the best.
  • @sidenote1459
    It wasn't just streamers. It's online gaming in general. It's all about meta, optimizing, builds, elo, leaderboards, competition, etc. The internet ruined the concept of just having fun and enjoying a gaming experience.
  • @samwitticaster
    “People are so focused on finishing the game that they don’t play it.” - Fantastic quote man. I think this cut through to the core shift we’ve seen in people’s enjoyment of games.
  • @michaelh.2322
    That is why I love Skyrim. There is no hurry and I can just run around and explore the open world 100x and every session is a new discovery
  • @CBRNpog
    I think the thing that kept games pretty level back in the day was that the skill gap was essentially limited to how good your aim was and your left, right and jump movement. (Think Halo 2/3) Now there are all these fancy mechanics like slide, sprint, clamber, lean, etc. Games should have casual playlists that limit all the extra stuff you can do and bring it back to the basics then add all the extra to ranked.
  • @Privateerblack
    "If you have fun and are enjoying it, you've already won." That is a GOLDEN take right there. That's the whole point of playing video games. Thank you for putting it so succinctly, my dude.
  • @RobinLundqvist
    Old COD lobbies were so good, I could play for 5 hours straight with the same 10 people. It made for great social experiences. Now being forced to quit from a lobby and potentially never see those people again, or weeks from then when you forgot who they are.
  • @LordHotcakes
    I really relate to this. I’m watching this at 2am, on a night shift. I’ve got a wife and kids, working rotating shift work. I really only have time to play on my days off after the kids have gone to sleep. Like, a handful of times a month. I literally don’t have time to even learn how to be a sweat. I’ve thought for a while now that streaming ruined gaming.
  • @rainyriderr1112
    This was my epitome in league. Peaked diamond 1 during my college years. The people above that are literally just built different. I ended up having a family instead, I still play but mostly for fun. I float in emerald as that's where I can play and still have fun. Meta matters too much and the game becomes too sweaty to maintain the limits of your gameplay
  • @jacobrandall9331
    I know people that burned themselves out in Helldivers and found the game boring after a couple hours because instead of just playing the game and having fun with friends... they had to look up the "most optimal exp farms", "fastest resource farms" etc. You gain nothing from rushing to the end as fast as possible and they ruined the game for themselves by doing so.
  • That kid doing the backflip into that pose was amazing. The second flip even looked fake because of how perfect it was.
  • @fracmas5481
    Gaming got destroyed ever since u have a guideline for everything on the internet you have nothing to figure and discover.
  • @aKEPsoul
    Factor in hours played for SBMM. Someone who plays maybe 20 hours a month should not have to play against someone who plays 200 hours a month.