King's Quest - The First Adventure

The game that kills you over and over until it's time to kill you again.

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00:00 - Introduction
01:45 - Once Upon A Time
08:29 - The Hero's Journey
13:45 - The Troll and the Gnome
16:48 - In Search Of Progress
23:25 - In Search Of Sanity
28:58 - All's Well That Ends Well
32:00 - Happily Ever After
33:53 - jack


Wind Waker's Windfall Island 8 Bit Remix by Bulby -

King's Quest VI OC ReMix by MusicallyInspired: "Sailing on the Vaporwaves" [Opening Theme] -


Grid Background - Stock footage provided by Videvo, downloaded from (Colour changed)


Margaret Hamilton Picture - By Press-materials are presumed to have been authored by the producers of the Broadway production of Goldilocks. - eBay item photo front photo back, Public Domain,

Roberta Williams Picture - By Ken Williams -, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Maze War Picture - By Bruce Damer -    • DigiBarn TV: Maze War on Imlac, demo ...  , CC BY 2.5,

Royal Mint, Johnson Smirke Building - By Steve Cadman from London, U.K. - The Royal Mint, London, CC BY-SA 2.0,

NES Picture - By Evan-Amos - Own work, Public Domain,

NES Color Palette - By Ricardo Cancho Niemietz (talk) - self-made, Public Domain,

criticise it all you want, this process of choosing a king probably saves the taxpayer a lot of money, and weeds out the bad heirs all the same.

#KingsQuest #retrogaming #powerpak

コメント (21)
  • Fun fact, this video has technically been in production since April, just been on the back burner whilst I did other projects. This also means I did not time this to coincide with any news related to any particular monarchy whatsoever. I hope to do more adventure games in the future. This more LP format is fun to do and there's some adventure games worth looking into. Good, Bad, and... weird. Next video likely won't be a review, but an announcement and update. Stay tuned. Edit: Slightly adjusted the title.
  • Worst part of the gnome puzzle is that, on top of having to figure out that its a backward alphabet cipher, you also have to misspell Rumpelstiltskin, because they used a misspelling when setting it up
  • @Athlynne
    Many years ago, I was basically penpals with some people at Sierra, sending them letters about being stuck on a riddle or whatever, and they'd send me very nice, upbeat, hinting replies, all through snail-mail, mind you. I loved the games, and the employees were so friendly, I still have a nostalgic fondness for these old games of my childhood.
  • The PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End diagonal directions thing can probably be attributed to the Num Pad on some keyboards having those also bound to 9, 3, 7, and 1 when Num Lock is turned off
  • I was a kid in the mid 80s. These games were beyond magical to a young brain like mine. I'd look at those screens and my imagination would run wild, wondering was was just around the bend. Now middle aged, divorced, and dealing with accumulating health issues as everyone does, I find myself jaded with photorealistic, high poly games. Pixel art seems to touch something deep inside me. It suggests an interactive, living world, without spoon feeding your brain all the details. You still have to fill in the gaps, as if you're reading a book.
  • The funny thing is, as rough as KQ1 is today, it was by far the most player-friendly adventure game at the time. A big open world, non-linear quest, detailed faux-3D graphics (lol really), and alternate solutions to pretty much every puzzle? That was peak UX in 1984. BTW, if you're still looking for Sierra games to try, I highly recommend the "Quest For Glory" series. It's a genuinely unique mashup of Sierra adventuring and an ARPG, with multiple classes and alternate paths for every class. Age aside, I honestly think they're among the very best-designed games that Sierra ever released, and are still reasonably playable today.
  • It's a real shame this video isn't getting even half the views of your Iron Lung video. You have a very earnest yet calm way of discussing games, and I really enjoy your work!
  • I played this game after my dad downloaded the final game for us to play a few years ago. Spoilers but the last game delves into themes of dementia and death and to this day it has been one of the most impactful narrative experiences of my life. Afterwards I played the 1st and 2nd game and was so happy to see Graham alive and well ;-;
  • @kryptonite5315
    In case anyone might be interested in more obscure mythical references: I believe the entire leprechaun scene takes inspiration from the 1959 Disney title "Darby O'Gill and the Little People. There's a scene where the old man plays a rousing hunting tune in the lair of leprechauns, causing them to dance til they mount horses and magically open an exit for him to sneak out.
  • “You don’t want to get caught by the dwarf. It’s worse than a game over.” I played a game called “Fear and Hunger” recently. My mind went to the WORST place. 😂
  • @nosferadu
    The diagonal controls were designed for the keypad. PgUp/PgDn and Home/End are the corner buttons there.
  • This was an awesome video. I've never played any of the King's Quest games. They're classics but I imagine I would lose patience with them really quick. This was a great way to showcase the game and have it be entertaining.
  • TBH I find Space quest 4 and 5 to be some of the best of Sierras work. The art, comedy, story just has so much love and heart. Theres some moon logic to some of the puzzles but goodness if I dont play them every few years for a good laugh.
  • Criminally underrated channel. I was drawn in by your Iron Lung video, but I’m staying for content like this: simple, funny, well written - and with good voice quality to boot. This is the kind of stuff I can put on while painting or doing work. And it honestly earned an audible chuckle from me a few times.
  • @1wngdngl
    This video is so entertaining and well-made I keep coming back to it. Would love to see you cover other Sierra games in the same style :)
  • @20:00 to be fair the IBM XT class PC the game was designed for had the arrow keys as part of the number cluster like when you turn off numlock, so page up and down and home and end would have corresponded to diagonal directions.
  • @Dr.TJ_Eckleburg
    You really have to remember the target audience for this game back in the '80s. The only people playing computer games were going to be hardcore nerds, mostly adults, and very likely already active in some kind of technology space. Learning curve wasn't much of a factor -- these were going to be relatively well-read people who appreciated the challenge and detail of the stories. People coming from games like Zork which didn't even have the benefit of any graphics at all. I played ALL the original Sierra games when I was a kid -- I was about 12 years old and my dad's friend from IBM installed them on my Tandy 1000. It was absolutely fascinating to sit there and explore those worlds for hours and hours. I never managed to finish King's Quest as a kid, but that was part of the fun... the game seemed endless, and every time I discovered something or figured something out, my points went up by one or two and I felt like I conquered the world. It's impossible to relate to nowadays, but at the time it was really something. Back then there were no cheat guides and the internet didn't really exist. And nobody in my school knew what the hell any of this was. Eventually I got a 2400 baud modem for Christmas and found some BBS communities and got some help from grownups. The challenge was always there though. Also, some of the keyboard commands seem insane now, but when playing on a standard IBM keyboard of the era the layout makes a lot more sense. You had a numpad in which all those keys were grouped together and you barely had to move your hand to execute any movement. If you're gonna take a stab at the rest of the Sierra games -- and you should! -- maybe look for a modern keyboard with that original key layout to make your life easier.
  • @Spekktre
    I definitely would love to see Kings Quest 7 particularly. Sierra definitely set a trend here, but they were also the ones that really refined it. I played a few of these as a kid and the one that really sticks out to me (in child memory) is #7
  • Great vid! And thanks for being someone who acknowledges a game hasn't aged well, why the game hasn't aged well beyond "it's old," and for genuinely still giving it a go. I respect that. This was super fun to watch. I seldom played computer games as a kid, so missed out on these back then. Still, I have a lot of respect for what they are and what they did. There's a surprising amount of detail to them, too. They could have just not programmed anything for commands like trying to kill the king, but they took the time to give a unique text box. I love those types of things.