ESPN breaks Tua brain injury, Bills beat Dolphins, Eagles vs Falcons, Chiefs vs Bengals, Watson sued

ESPN breaks Tua brain injury, Bills beat Dolphins, Eagles vs Falcons, Chiefs vs Bengals, Watson sued

コメント (21)
  • Tua needs to retire for his mental and physical health and his family.
  • He is done He shook that brain loose to the point he can’t take a hit anymore It’s not safe for him to play anymore
  • You gotta slide brother... I always root for tua... im a niner.... but I always hope Tua does well... HE has to sit his pads down... his life is worth more than the GAME... I LOVE YOU BRO... TAKE YOUR MONEY AND GO DO SOME MEDIA.... YOULL BE GREAT!
  • My opinion Tua should take the Andrew luck route and retire, multiple concussions is a bad sign.
  • This is why they asks quarterbacks to slide, this is the only way that quarterbacks can protect themselves to avoid injuries like this.
  • His head hit the field first a few minutes into 2nd quarter and he wasnt looked at. Seems like miami dolphins dont care much for his safety.
  • Andrew luck said F that I gotta degree I'm out. My body can't take no more
  • Given his history of concussions, why isn't he wearing the new padded helmet ?
  • tua must have a nerve close to the surface because you hit him in the neck lightly and he goes into seizure mode. it happens every time he gets a nerve twinkle
  • Every 1 forget bill knock him out last time....Miami slept on buffalo git dog walk
  • Troy akman had a few concessions and won 3 sb
  • He needs to retire he made a lot of money had a pretty good career life is more important even after football
  • @ymcmillan7
    What other athlete have you seen curled up on the field like Tua. Tua head is not made for football. His hits are never a violent impact, but his body responds differently than any other player. On the field, his hands are curled which is different than a headache. Quality of life MATTERS.
  • I recall a skit from Saturday Night Live featuring Joe Montana with a brain injury, where they humorously exaggerated the situation by having him echo his own thoughts. It's a classic example of using satire to comment on real-world issues. But here's the irony: society seems more worried about the potential dangers of a man playing sports — where injuries are a known risk — than they are about people smoking, a habit proven to cause cancer and ultimately lead to death. We seem to grant a strange sort of indifference to puffing on carcinogens, allowing it as a personal choice, while simultaneously drawing a hard line against other activities that also involve risk. The inconsistency is baffling — how can one kind of risk be so acceptable that we barely bat an eye, yet another, like playing sports, is constantly under scrutiny? The logic is difficult to follow when both are life-threatening in their own ways.
  • Man up, You get paid money most will never see. Go get a real job if you can't handle it
  • Tua should retire or at least wear that cap that gives him more protection.
  • Maybe if it's a game winning drive I understand him doing that but the game was over at that point. No need to risk it