ROGUE, THE MONEY PRINTER (10,000+ GOLD) - Dark and Darker Gameplay

Publicado 2024-07-26
Today we gear a rogue and dive into the 124+ Gear score goblin caves, aka the Landmine arena. Rogue has been very popular in the solo's lately as players are learning how easy it is to print money with this class. Low risk high reward. Hide and creep have completely changed the solo's meta into camping rogues that have insane burst damage. Hope you guys enjoy the RIVETING gameplay (I feel greasy for this one, hope its changed soon).

OSRS track - Rogues Den

#darkanddarker #dad #dnd #rogue

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @red2314
    I had this video scheduled, woke up, and they just nerfed rogue pretty hard. Changes: - Rogue's Creep now has a narrow hearing range. - Rogue's Stealth now reveals his silhouette when moving.
  • "I knew this guy was just waiting by the door because that's all they do." I can hear the disgust in your voice.
  • If I saw the name SneakertonMcsheesher killing the whole lobby I would just hide in a corner LMAO
  • 5:05 I love that you walk into a popular rogue room and call it a mistake. Most people would walk in there and get 1 shot by a rogue and be pissed about the game, not a misplay. (I'm one of those people lol)
  • @TylerTry1
    Really enjoying your stuff man, learning a lot just from watching you play. Keep up the good work! :)
  • @dakotakloc1488
    You know rogue needs a nerf when red makes a video playing one😂
  • @Gonzo_536
    Having pots on your belt is a def no no in my opinion they are visible from a mile away 😂
  • @ayyrick
    A lot of new vids recently nice got something to binge
  • @ommni5724
    I'm convinced goblins are just russian gopnics since they scream "blyat" every time you stab them
  • Yknow what. I hadnt seen this build before because i usually play duos or trios, and i thought the nerfs today were really lame until watching this. What a show
  • @bearoyay
    It's depressing to watch how strong this is/was.
  • @DavyLaser
    Personally I'm glad the class got nerfed, since genuinely at times there was no counter play to landmine rogue if you don't have a play style catered to countering it
  • Yeah they definitely needed the nerf 😂 I was minding my own business one match while a rogue was right behind me stealing my stuff. No sound or indication that I was being stolen from. Completely undetectable. I only caught him by accident when his invisibility ran out
  • The funniest part of the awful players who choose to play rogue like this is when you extract early and spectate who is left in the dungeon. Most of the time, it's a bunch of rogues holding CTRL and barely moving back and forth. Riveting gameplay to say the least.
  • @Gonzo_536
    W Nerf though 🤷🏻‍♂️😬
  • @Hey_Its_Dom2818
    I dont have the full game, I just run druid and get out of the ice map and throw drums and torches at players while acting like a ghost, pretty fun lmao
  • @dug5632
    i think the rogue issue is fixed if creep is just taken out the game entirely, invisibility is one thing in this game but not being able to hear someone for as long as they crouch is so much worse, haven’t tested with the new update tho