Gears 6 - 10 Theories So CRAZY They Might Be True

Published 2024-06-09
The Xbox Games Showcase is less than a week away and expectations are high. For many, this is Microsoft's chance to showcase its coveted games line-up. However, others anticipate a resurgence of Gears of War, at least according to rumors.

While the company hasn't confirmed it, Gears 6 is long overdue. The last title in the series launched in 2019 with Gears 5, bringing more open settings, side quests and a story that revealed some surprising secrets about the Coalition of Ordered Governments. It also ended on a cliffhanger with many questions unanswered.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of directions the sequel can go in. Whether it's a dual protagonist set-up, placing a beloved hero back in the spotlight, a potential new threat to spice things up, or even a curveball that could change the course of the franchise, here are ten things we'd like to see.

All Comments (21)
  • @BlackPersonGuy
    All I want is for the game to keep the dark tone it had for the last hour of Gears 5. That last hour of the game felt grimy and like we were really at war, like the original games. I want that tone in the 6th game
  • @Zachthe504
    Bring back that gritty feel from 1 and 2..
  • @REDA-SB
    I just hope we see Gear6 and Gears Remastered Trilogy today in the showcase
  • @SeanMather
    Anyone else save J.D. just because you couldn’t do Marcus dirty like that? Literally had to go back and replay that section because I couldn’t see my bro devastated like that.
  • @a.jthomas6132
    Saving JD needsto be canon! He needed to live not because he deserves better or he has a well developed relationship with Kait then she has with Del. But because he needs to continue the Fenix bloodline. And Marcus has lost so many people in his lifetime (Two Carmines, Carlos, Tai, Kim, Dom, his father Adam, and his wife Anya) and have to comfort his son as the two develop a father-son relationship.
  • @TheMarine316
    I think they’ll make the canon ending of gears 5 that JD survived, they did a poll after gears 5 asking who did you kill & overwhelmingly by over 85% it was Del, not because everyone liked JD but most just couldn’t choose to kill Marcus’s kid. Personally I’d love to play as Marcus again in the campaign
  • @davisorle
    Always amazes me how beautiful that game is. Can't even begin to imagine how a Gears 6 by that Studio would look like. Hopefully they move it over to the newest version of UE5 cause those gains are worth the extra waiting time..
  • I would like to see the developers take inspiration from Halo's Arbiter story arc to create a rogue Locust faction that emerges from the Locust civil war mentioned in previous games. This faction could be led by a high-ranking and highly intelligent Locust protagonist who, after some initial conflict, forms an uneasy alliance with the COG to achieve a unified goal. This approach would give the Locust armies more depth and character complexity in their quest to reclaim the surface, transforming them from being perceived as mindless monsters to sentient beings with semi-justifiable desires and motives.
  • @markuschief4472
    "Anyia's death is a mystery" did you guys even pay attention to the story in Gears 5?? It was explained that she died in a pregnancy experiment from Jin to have a second child. You guys are embarrassing yourselves as gaming reporters.
  • @Gccttaarft
    So can gears6 close the connection between xbox and PC?
  • @Odin573
    Did you know that myrrah's consciousness is actually in queen reyna's body possessing her
  • @KillZoneHart1
    I always felt like Gears 5 missed an opportunity to make Kait a villain, like an empire strikes back type ending. That's the way I thought it might be going but they chose a cop out victory on all fronts ending. Would actually have some complexity with the villain dynamics of Gears 6 if they did that.
  • @wickdaline8668
    Please give us the option to play Gears 6 with either JD or Del alive.
  • The new cast should’ve been for the judgment series idk why Xbox was so quick to change the original gang like the franchise been around for 20 years
  • @javiderivia4224
    We want the og vibe, just 90's action mans not the teenagers
  • @TevyaSmolka
    I am curious how gear 6 is going to end this story.