VITYAZ DT30 - Legendary 30-Ton Tracked Cross-Country Vehicle!!!

VITYAZ DT30 - Legendary 30-Ton Tracked Cross-Country Vehicle!!!

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VITYAZ DT30 is a two-link all-terrain vehicle on a caterpillar track designed for operation in difficult climatic conditions of the Far North, Siberia, the Far East, the Arctic and Antarctic on soils with low bearing capacity (swamp, snowy virgin land, impassability, rugged woodland) at ambient temperature from minus 50 °С to plus 40 °С.
All-terrain vehicles are equipped with turbocharged diesel engines.
Engine power - 800 hp.
Fuel consumption per 300 liters per 100 km.
Cruising range of 500 km.
The maximum land speed - 47 km/h.
The maximum speed afloat - 4 km/h.
All-terrain vehicles "Vityaz" differ in their original layout, consist of two articulated all-metal links connected to each other by a hook-on scheme. The first link is designed for the crew and is equipped with autonomous heating and ventilation systems, it has a driver’s cabin and a passenger compartment with a capacity of up to 7 people including the driver. Right behind the cab is the engine-transmission compartment.
The second link of the body, connected with a special rotary hitch, is a cargo platform covered with a tarpaulin.

コメント (21)
  • These Russian tracked vehicles have been on station at the Artic Circle for 51 years and 2 of the original 3 are still going strong ,they have models 10x bigger than these that contain a kitchen,an eating area,living space & sleeping space for a crew of 8 men working in -60 below zero .
  • para el Amazonas del Peru necesitamos estos grandiosos vehículos! con esa potencia subre cualquier pendiente y rio!! INGENIERIA RUSA! EXCELENTE
  • This has got to be the coolest off road vehicle I've ever seen. Russian built machines are beast. This is also the sherpas dad.
  • Самое страшное это было бы порвать гуслю в таком месиве)) Витязь бесспорно №1 по бездорожью!
  • Es fantástico ver la conjugación de ingeniería e inventiva de los creativos Rusos para afrontar terrenos tan inospitos. Bravo por Rusia.
  • @dzonikg
    USSR has made some coolest vehicles ever
  • RUSSIA es lo máximo mil bendiciones y éxitos a esta hermosa y gran nación saludos desde PANAMÁ 💪🏾 🇵🇦❤️🇷🇺💪🏾💯✍🏾...
  • Absolutely amazing vehicle. They are true beasts who can go anywhere
  • @ibanezmnm
    Absolutely gorgeous vehicle and very skilled drivers. Well done Russia
  • Такой техникой управлял мой сродный брат в далёком 1983-85г.г , он тогда служил в Армии СССР, и эта техника была засекречена!!!
  • @jps99
    What a beast! Incredibly capable!
  • Fantazija, ovo čudovište melje sve red sobom. I protiv Rusa hoće zaista truli zapad da se bori!? Ma nema šanse! Rusi su prvi u svemu!
  • @chenmodesty1992
    After I played Snow Runner, I like to see videos like this. These drivers and vechicles are really incredible.
  • @LednacekZ
    that enthusiasm in the voice is unmatched.
  • @msx89
    Я живу в ЯНАО, п.правохеттинский. здесь постоянно ездят траллы с такой техникой, мужики ремонтируют газопровод и используют такую технику для перемещения по болотистой местности в отдалённых точках далеко в лесу.
  • we need these in Northern Canada.. even with fuel usage, it would still be cheaper then flying everything in at sub 2000 lbs a trip.
  • I wish I was off-roading what those guys those machines are wonderful I would love to go for a ride good luck guys