Touhou 10 - Mountain of Faith - Perfect Stage 5 Lunatic

Published 2008-12-31
Here's a clear of MoF's Stage 5 Lunatic without the use of lives or bombs.

I really, really like this stage. This is easily my favorite stage from MoF, and I wouldn't be surprised if it ranks high against all stages across the entire series.

Sanae isn't that tough compared to the other penultimate bosses (easiest being Reisen, hardest being highly arguable). Her last two noncards and her last card are throwaways, but all of her other cards pose at least a small threat. With ReimuB however, most of these cards can be taken out before things start getting uncomfortable. Either way, I still suck a bit at her second boss card: it was only until... well, a few runs before this one where I finally understood what the hell was going on and what to look for. In addition, her midboss card is one hell of a hitbox nightmare. Sanae, overall, is a fun boss. You just have to love her star danmaku, and I especially like her first boss noncard; I don't know what it is about it, but it's a blast to play.

And on a slightly related note, I fucking hate recording replays in MoF. In fact, I probably spent more time trying to record this run than I did actually playing Stage 5. Not only does MoF frequently crash (scratch that, it always crashes) at the end of replays, but it would then bloat my computer like no other and sometimes even require me to force shutdown. And as a final bitch slap, all this madness somehow re-locked the Extra Stage from my score.dat, so now I have to unlock it again (this is not a problem, but what the hell?). BAWWWWWW!!! (I had the same issue back when I was recording my Stage 4 video 2 weeks ago. Oddly enough, this never happened when I was recording... well, anything else from MoF: Extra Stage, VoWG (Stage 6), etc.)

Anyway, kero kero kero, battle of the mikos, faith is for the transient armpits, you get the idea.

All Comments (21)
  • @GearheadPrime
    ZUN's musical cues have been observed to be very uncanny. Since he does all his own music composing as well, it is quite possible that he develops the music for a stage before he actually does the shot patterns and events, allowing him to time things to the music.
  • @antiquet3301
    Really impressive play. Sanae is one of my favorite characters.
  • @bjw563
    Uh, well, in a standard game (or Extra Stage), MoF awards lives based on score (20 million, 40 million, 80 million, 150 million). Lives also drop from the midbosses in stages 3 and 5 (this is traditional across the Touhou games). The reason I start with max lives here is because the run was done through practice mode.
  • @Lennily
    Sanae is a beast, she's hard!
  • @bjw563
    Lots of practice and experience :P What makes it better is that this stage is far from the hardest ones that I've successfully tackled in terms of bombless/deathless runs.
  • @bjw563
    Reimu is universally agreed upon as being the best shot in IN, MoF, and SA. In UFO and PCB, there's a little more leeway, but Reimu is still, for many, the best. In EoSD, Marisa is actually pretty good, so quite a few play as her (including me) :P
  • @dranxis
    I pretty sure I read somewhere that he builds the stage first, and then composes the music to match what's going on in the stage.
  • Jeez, and I have a tough time beating stage 4 in EoSD on normal! You make me feel like shit! XD
  • @bjw563
    Heh, this is the perfect opportunity to bring out the classic "every player has different weaknesses and strengths." As for Yumeko, yeah, that does sound hard :3
  • @bjwdestroyer In MoF, I think that Marisa weapon type B could be best, because when she has 3 bombs and either on focused or unfocused mode (I'm not sure which), a glitch causes her center laser to drain the health of various objects RIDICULOUSLY fast. Try it yourself.
  • @nintendonut888
    With lasers. I forgot to mention her streaming attack has lasers. It's hard. D:
  • @Andruth34
    When fighting bosses (when he's using focus mode), a small red-ish circle is in the middle of the character. If the bullets don't hit that, no lives are lost.
  • @bjw563
    Satori is probably hardest when using ReimuA, and even then, I'd still say that Orin is harder than her. Sakuya is definitely the favorite for being the hardest Stage 5 boss, but Orin and Youmu should not be counted out too quickly. Both of them have very threatning cards, lack throwaways, and both last longer than Sakuya.
  • @TetsukoCrow
    You could at least say why Her needle shot has the most dps when focused on the enemy. This is offset by the fact she's abysmally slow in focus mode... a fact that many spellcards don't actually address in later levels because of the finall bosses tendency to only do one psychotic movement spell card rather than a few of them I almost always clear with Reimu, but I get much better scores as any other character because of their mobility