
コメント (21)
  • @mrflyboi
    Theres no way theres roblox inflation now
  • Supply and demand on something with infinite supply is the stupidest thing ever.
  • Soon a single item will cost around a thousand Robux if this trend continues like this
  • Roblox is a literal billion dollar company, WHY DID THEY NEED TO MAKE HATS DAMN 85 ROBUX!?!?!
  • Roblox changed it 20 robux lower then they reverted it after youtubers said they fixed it honestly they're so vile.
  • roblox team be: "Let's make the accesories more expensive for no reason!"
  • "This update might be the worst one ever" its sad how many times you've had to say something in that line 😭
  • why is roblox acting like virtual items have a limited stock,, lieki yeah, theres limiteds, but theyre increasing the price floor on random accessories that arent limited and dont even need to be increased in the first place. some of these hats dont even have a high demand at all??
  • i remember being able to make a whole couple outfits with just a few hundred robux, (think 300-400) but now i had to buy over like 800 robux for just one single outfit. it’s crazy because after this i don’t think i’ll really be buying anything off roblox anymore, especially when inflation has gotten so bad to the point where not even 800 robux is enough for anything. i really hope roblox steps up their game and lowers the prices, but with how things are going i don’t think that will be happening anytime soon, if ever
  • I started playing Roblox in 2010. I was really little. Now, I don’t really play it at all anymore. I had a lot of good, happy memories on the platform, but now it’s not the same, so I’ve pretty much quit. It’s not the thing I enjoyed so long ago, so I don’t spend any more time on what it’s become. I’m a little angry, but more disappointed than anything else. Time to move on to greater things that are less corporate and corrupt, and that’s not hard to achieve in comparison to what Roblox is now.
  • roblox inflation is something i'd thought i'd never see
  • @HeyStarzo
    Face items being one of the most expensive accessories to buy is an absolute joke. Items such as eyes, glasses or a custom mouth now being on par with the price of a roblox hat is just ridiculous, honestly just stop buying things at this point as it’s not even worth it
  • Roblox in 2024: omg 105 robux for a hat!? Roblox in 2030: WHAT 215 ROUBX FOR A CLASSIC SHIRT!?
  • @_Fuscous
    The only protest that could actually potentially get their attention would be a physical protest outside of the Roblox HQ, where people actually camp out there with signs and megaphones.
  • Most people forget that kids are still going to buy these items. So you can bet your ass Roblox is going to take advantage of it.
  • @cherry414
    Not making and buying outfits anymore until the price becomes reasonable. I get raising price floors but this is actually absurd
  • @123orange1
    Bruh there's no point buying 80 robux anymore.