Could Dinosaurs Still Exist? - Chronicles of Dinosauria Promo Video 2

Chronicles of Dinosauria: Dinosaurs & Man from Creation to Cryptozoology is our featured book, presenting the key evidence that men and dinosaurs coexisted. Biblical, historical, artistic, fossil, and cryptozoological evidence are all explored. This beautiful hardback assembles in one place the work of Genesis Park staff, from years of researching dinosaurian cryptids and accumulating dragon accounts and ancient dinosaurian depictions from various cultures around the world. Presented in a scrapbook style, Chronicles of Dinosauria tells the story of the dinosaurs from a biblical perspective, starting with the plain facts of Genesis. God’s purpose in creating the great reptiles is explored. Photos from expeditions hunting for living dinosaurs are presented alongside informative graphics. The beautiful original artwork will delight old and young alike and is available from major booksellers.

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