what exchange students don't tell you

Published 2020-05-03
i just got home from my exchange year in the USA, and here is a video about all the hard sides of being an exchange student, that maybe most exchange students don't talk about/tell you. i'm sorry for being a pretty negative video, but i just want to share my experience and thoughts because i really wish i had heard this before i left!

》Instagram www.instagram.com/christinaedvar/
》Pinterest pinterest.com/christinaedvardsen/
》VSCO vsco.co/christinaedvar/

FAQ (that no one has ever asked me but I thought would be interesting ;))
》i'm 17 years old (12th grade)
》i am Norwegian, but i'm currently on exchange in Colorado, USA!
》i film with Canon EOS 700D/GoPro Hero 7 Black/iPhone XR

disclaimer: I do not own any of this music, all credit goes to its owners

hope u enjoyed, and i'll see you in my next video 🤪

All Comments (21)
  • I'm sorry to all the people who had to leave earlier than expected
  • @allenkim1750
    As an international student in the US, this is the most relatable video I have ever seen. Especially, when you considered yourself to be good in English, it really sucks when you just freeze when a native speaker approaches you and when you are talking with another American, you kinda play it safe by being monotonous and boring rather than joking since you are not familiar with the culture at all and don't want to seem weird or offensive.
  • @BrunoConceicao9
    The foreign commentary that everyone is lookin for If my English is wrong pls correct Give like if u are from Europe
  • @meijaye2730
    You're from Norway?? I thought you were American because you have NO accent 😳😳 girl thats awesome
  • @VvnazzyvV
    the saddest part is that it feels like you have to be another person while you're away and everytime someone from home asks how you're doing, you just gotta suck it up and tell them ur ok cause u dont wanna worry them, man i literally cried every night for the first 2 weeks i was there and i can tell you, it was super hard. although 6 months was only a short amount of time but it actually felt like 6 years. and on top of that, even though i speak english in my own hometown but it's totally different to when you speak english with a native speaker and having to keep up is just super exhausting. oh and last thing, i totally understand about the friends part. :) but anyway, super happy i got to go on an exchange student program to the uk and i hope you had a great time in the usa too!
  • I'm an American who went to China for one semester and I had a hard time adjusting at first too. I just felt really shy and uncomfortable (especially since I only had been learning mandarin for six months by the time I left) so I really feel you there. But I overall had a great trip and I made some lifelong friends. (also speaking as an American most american students DO NOT have stereotypical 'american' high school experience. So it's totally okay that you didn't get that either.)
  • @Maya-ke4oi
    omg i‘m here rn and i felt the same about friendships. they’re friends since elementary school and have like 4 close friends and the rest are „fake“ snapchat friends
  • @sosolu7998
    i’m american and have been wanting to do an exchange year when i’m a bit older! i totally agree that Americans will stick with each other. i moved to a different state three years ago and it was SO hard making deep, real friendships.
  • took me four minutes and a half to realize she's talking high school exchange and not the one in uni lmaooo
  • @lillyauer434
    I‘m an exchange student in Florida right now and i can relate with nearly everything you said, I also felt like I had no personality at first but most people were really interested in me and I luckily made friends pretty fast, but that is different from every exchange student. I‘m only here for three months now and I have to leave next month, Corona really destroyed my year and I can’t help but compare myself to other exchange student who did more things because they came earlier etc. rly like ur channel btw 💗
  • @flo6617
    Omg it feels so good knowing that I’m not the only one who felt like everyone got along with their family so good but I was not feeling like a part of the family at all. And it’s hard to make really good friends
  • @snowflake4099
    I didnt expect that it's so difficult to find friends because of the language because you already knew English. I went to Sweden and didn't know a single word so I have always imagined that it's way easier in English
  • @linneab7330
    Great video! This is literally how I felt throughout my exchange year and I always felt bad about myself because of it. Thank you for sharing and now I know that I’m not the only one
  • Does anyone help me convince my parents Im still a Minor so I want to go to Japan when Im 16 or 17 so I still have 3 more years to prepare but my parents dont consider me being an exchange student my dad says that that there a possibility of me going but my mom gets angry everytime I me tion the topic Im starting to learn japanese and Im saving money so I can help pay an exchange.
  • @beannoel24
    I’m a student at a school with a lot of exchange students so I really enjoyed this as some insight into what the people around me are experiencing!
  • @honey27003
    I feel you soooo much! I am probably gonna make a video about this too because I truly had some special experiences during my exchange year. I was unsure whether I should talk about it but your video encouraged me to. SO thanks for making it! I also made a video on mistakes I made as an exchange student and on how to survive the first month hoping to help out future generations of exchange students.
  • It’s so cool to listen to the point of an exchange student from Norwegian! I’m an exchange student too (calendar year), from Brazil, living in Virginia. I’ve had a lot of experiences like yours, especially about changing host family and stuff!!! It’s so amazing how we can fit into a new lifestyle so many miles away from home, even though we go through a lot of bad things lmao, it just grows us a lot!!!! You are definitely not alone!!!
  • Yes thank you finally! Everyone I see on social media only seems to show the amazing/fun parts of exchange, which is great and all, but it gives an inaccurate representation to people of what exchange is actually like. Its not always going to be amazing and fun, there will be days where you just feel sad, overwhelmed, stressed, lonely, and like everyone else is having a better time than you and that's ok! I went on an exchange to France (from US) at 14/15 in 2015/16 and I have to admit it was really hard in the beginning; had health issues the first 4 months, came with zero french knowledge (had never taken a french class), was staying with a 70+ year old couple that was amazing/ so sweet but knew 0 english and couldn't really use technology (grateful for that now because it really pushed me to learn french), even had to switch classes because of some rude/mean students. You will go through some rough times while on exchange its inevitable, but with all that said it was still probably the best experience of my life. I acknowledge and appreciate all the good times I had but I also recognize and admit I had quite a few nights in the beginning where I just laid in bed crying because I had zero friends, couldn't communicate well with anyone, missed home, was sick, etc (I was just straight up not having a good time😂). So if you go on exchange and experience these down times just know that you aren't alone and reach out to other people on exchange going through the same thing as you. I can guarantee no matter how much fun it seems like they're having on social media or happy and cheery they seem they have had days where they felt exactly the same as you do, its part of the experience❤️ I'm sorry to everyone whose exchange was cut short I can't imagine how hard/disappointing that must have been. For people planning on going on exchange in the future, have fun and make the most of the time that you're there because although it feels slow in the moment it goes by so fast😭