Inspector's warning sparks outrage

Published 2018-04-16

All Comments (21)
  • Give a small minded person authority and a clip board and all hell breaks loose.
  • Now imagine if she was hired on the police department, or child protective services. Some people cannot be given any kind of authority. She needs fired.
  • @Gunnypauly73
    She has the audacity to ask a vet ,what did you do for our country ? turn the question around, what did she do for our country??
  • @badwolf7367
    For those of you late to the video, this happened in 2018. That "woman" and her supervisor who was also present and watched the whole thing unfold and not once stepped in was suspended. The "woman" for 10 days and her supervisor for 5 days. They then returned to work like nothing happened. The sad truth is that it is next to impossible for a government worker to lose their job. That's why she did what she did without hesitation. She knew she would never be fired. And you can bet the farm that she is not the only ones in government jobs who thinks like this.
  • @Tamarikankuro
    Thank you! for serving and defending our great country to all veterans and current military personnel! Happy veteran's day! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • @papatutti59
    Damn that woman! How dare she disrespect our Country and war veterans. Most despicable woman!
  • As a UK citizen I have to say how shocked I am with this and also want to say a huge thankyou to all US service men and women for keeping the world safer and especially to their families for the sacrfice of letting them serve for all of us.
  • I'm a vet living here in Arizona! So happy for your cycle shop! Thank you for supporting veterans and for standing your ground!
  • “You did nothing for this country!” What does she expect, every soldier to die while on active duty to be considered serving your country! Some people shouldn’t be given any kind of authority! It makes me wonder how many more times she’s abused her authority.
  • My son, daughter in law, four nephews and two niece in laws are all in the Air Force. Im glad I wasn’t there!!! Sir, thank you for your service and for putting your life on the line. I salute you!🇺🇸💙
  • @Syenthros
    That veteran displayed a remarkable amount of self control for not laying her out after she said he did nothing for this country. Nearly losing a leg and everything else our servicemen have to go through is a hellova lot more than anything she's ever done
  • @rpap5322
    A powerless women trying to be some one special.. a brainless job that went to her head....
  • "You did nothing for this country" At this point this country should do nothing for her, no pay, no water, no electricity, no citizenship, end of story.
  • @Animalmawds
    I commend the veteran for showing such restraint and character in the face of someone so unappreciative and vile.
  • @99Racker
    As a vet, this city employee needs to be pulled in and readjusted.
  • He did more for his country than she could in a hundred lifetimes.
  • Great job Mayor! Proud of him taking the high ground and supporting those who served. Her comment to the vet wounded in action is reprehensible! She should have to spend a 1000 hours caring for vets who need assistance. Wait never mind they have suffered enough for us. God bless our vets.
  • @tedunguent156
    I was stationed in Jacksonville (Navy). This woman is despicable. I hope she was told to resign.