Best Music Themes from BBC's Merlin :)

One of my favorite things about this show is the beautiful music. Here are (in my opinion) the very best musical selections and recurring themes from Merlin! (I have labeled the songs with where they appear in the show, not the actual soundtrack titles.)

Check out the original Merlin soundtracks here:…………

コメント (21)
  • It’s 2020 and my heart is still in pieces. This show made my heart, shaped me and then broke me into a million pieces. I always will have a place in my soul for this show. Thanks for making my childhood and adulthood amazing.
  • I really hope this show isn't forgotten. Even though the writers screwed over the fans on multiple occasions, this show was great. The characters, the character development, and the music all work together to make the masterpiece that this show always will be
  • Arthur and Gwen theme is so gentle and powerful at the same time. It sounds like a promise for eternal love. I am crying
  • merlin buried so many people , my poor boy i just love him so much 💔
  • honestly, what pulls at my heart with these soundtracks is the writers ability to be able to throw together merlin and arthur's themes together all throughout these pieces, even the ones that don't exactly have anything to do with one or the other. you can always hear merlin somewhere throughout these pieces, whether it's his sorrow, his jealousy, his grief, his love, all of it. and my favorites are the coming of arthur and the bond of sacrifice. in the coming of arthur, you can hear a conversation between merlin and arthur, unspoken words of loyalty and friendship, knowing that they would do anything for each other. and lastly, in the bond of sacrifice, you can hear merlin picking arthur up off the ground. you can hear the love that he has for his king (platonically or romantically, whichever you fancy) but it's all there either way. you can hear the two sides of the same coin in that song, but most importantly, you can feel the love between a king and his warlock, two complete opposites, and yet the writer is able to show all of the unspoken feelings and thank yous in that piece, and it's heart wretching.
  • Funny how a show of this budget was able to dish out a better ending than game of thrones .
  • It's 2023, and I'm hoping still that one day, we will see next season with the best ending
  • Whose here in 2019? Waiting for Arthur to rise again, when Albion's need is greatest.
  • I think Merlin has got to be my favourite TV show. Its soundtrack, character development, writing and settings are just top notch. I'm disappointed that Netflix just removed it from their site. It's really a masterpiece.
  • crying...this show was incredibly special to me, i remember all those saturday nights, staying up with my family to watch this, still heart-broken from the ending tho :( this tv show really was pure gold.
  • @ailsa8182
    The bit at the end of the music for Freya’s death is so beautifully haunting. It’s so soft and delicate because it shows when merlin really opened himself up and was vulnerable with his emotions. There is something almost child-like and innocent about the theme, something so pure and authentic. The composers did a beautiful job.
  • I know Arthur's death is really sad, but when the dragon said to Merlin a few episodes before "I'm tired of it all" that just really got to me. Knowing that he was just waiting for his time to lay down.
  • 2018 and still feeling the sadness. I don't even know how many times i have rewatched this serires. Truly one of the greats :'(
  • @M.A.K._
    This is seriously one of the best soundtracks for a series/ movie ever made
  • For those looking for the original track names: 1) Gwen & Arthur 2) Finale 3) Freya/ The Strange Girl 4) Finale The Sword in The Stone 5) Freya (end) 6) Bond of Sacrifice 7) " " 8,9,10) Merlin Buries Lancelot 11)Hiding Excalibur 12) Finale The Sword in the Stone
  • i'm never going to get enough of how they manage to balance the dramatic flair of the orchestration to bring the necessary gravitas to a scene while also making it so...personal with how you can clearly hear every piece contain at least some of other pieces. Particularly the main theme of Merlin, it's EVERYWHERE but done in so many different ways as the show itself shows us all these different sides to him, make him express all these different emotions and experience all these different events, from moments of wonder to pure hardship. Somehow each piece inspires awe in the sense that you feel you are witnessing a legacy, at the same time as it does something deeply emotional and complex, something character-based and, well, there is no better word to describe it that PERSONAL, and it allows for the music to lead you by the heartstrings from one piece to the next without any noticeable break in flow its utter genius