Doctor Reacts to Middle Ground: Pro-Vaccine vs Anti-Vaccine

Published 2019-02-06
Detox Tea is a lie! -    • Here's Why Doctor's NEVER Drink Detox...  

Many of you have messaged me on IG, Twitter, and FB asking me to respond to this new video between Pro-Vaccine and Anti-Vaccine arguments. This is a hotly debated topic so lets please be respectful in the comments!

Jubilee Media has an excellent series called Middle Ground where they have folks with opposing beliefs on controversial topics sit beside one another to discuss their views. I have long been a fan of this type of moderated content and applaud Jubilee for setting this up.

Link to full video:    • Pro-Vaccine vs Anti-Vaccine: Should Y...  
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Let me know your thoughts! I will be back with another video this coming Sunday at 11am EST, so subscribe and hit those posting notifications!!!

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* The information in this video is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional professional*

All Comments (21)
  • @phucson7734
    "Safe-ish" Ok, lady, so are airbags in a car. But if I'm about to slam 70 mph into a wall, I rather trust my life in something that's safe-ish than find to out if my body can live without a head.
  • @Beckscepeda
    What I don't understand is if your child cannot be vaccinated due to adverse affects, why would you then advocate for anti vaccination? Your child is now a part of the group that relies on herd immunity...advocating for anti-vax just puts your own child at even more of a risk...🤦🏾‍♀️
  • @gg-uq6zm
    Just imagine being the pro-vaccine doctor who probably has 15+ years of studying, looking at countless studies, and practicing medicine only for a wine mom with zero understanding of medicine to tell you "you're wrong."
  • @yaxye7075
    "i did my own research" You mean, you googled it and found 68 results that contradicted your opinion and found ONE that validated it.
  • @SpydeyDan
    "You're downplaying the risks of vaccines." As opposed to downplaying the risks of measles, polio, smallpox, etc?
  • @caseh4235
    "my child had an adverse reaction to a vaccine, so they can't be vaccinated" So... Shouldn't you be advocating for others to vaccinate to stimulate herd immunity to protect your child?
  • If your child has an autoimmune disorder you should be PRO vaccine, even if it means not vaccinating that child. You need the healthy children around your child to be vaccinated so they don't spread these preventable illnesses to yours
  • @prettypic444
    My grandmother was a polio survivor. she spent time in an iron lung and lost the use of her legs for the rest of her life. My grandfather lost hearing in one of his ears after a childhood bout of the flu. I had RSV at 2 months old, and have struggled with serve asthma my whole life. refusing to vaccinate your child against illnesses with common harmful side effects because of a one in a million side effect (or worse, a 'side effect' that has been THROUGHLY DISPROVEN) makes me enraged
  • @junofall
    It's like being anti-surgery because there's a death rate for every operation.
  • @samshim3149
    "In the end, parents know their children best." "I actually very much disagree with that statement. The closer you are in relation to the patient, the more likely that your bias is gonna be at play, and you're not be able to make an objective decision." Love the way he politely disagrees and gives a logical explanation.
  • As a doctor myself, I have had an extreme reaction to a vaccine (anaphylaxis). But I have also have seen children with diseases that could have been prevented with a vaccine. Because of that, I make sure I do my due diligence, but my children are 100% vaccinated. Also because I have seen children with preventable diseases I will always make sure my patients have all information at their disposal before they make their choice. All that said, I love Dr. Mike's take on this, I love how he listens and add input as needed and never attacks the person, just provides his own insight on the issue they brought up.
  • @patriotfox7192
    As an executive in a pharma R&D corporation, I will say the adverse effects of vaccines are not appropriately highlighted and many are removed from the statistics and trial data as outliers when the % are higher than wanted. The study or trial specifications are just changed to reduce the unwanted data and include the wanted data. Once the trial is over only the “final” report is issued to the peer review. They have also cancelled trials in the middle of the process when the data is not positive. That trial is never presented.
  • @azarinevil
    Anti-vax mom: We know our kids best Every teen ever: Loud typing of LMAO
  • @hiphopotamus69
    There’s a saying that goes something like this “Winning an argument against a smart person is hard. Winning an argument against an ignorant person is impossible.”
  • I once had a nightmare where Antivaxxers took over the UN and banned vaccines and Autism. Then there was a knock at the door. I woke up before I could open the door.
  • In my opinion, I agree with Dr. Mike that no one should ever become anti-vaccine because of a negative experience themselves (as long as the vaccine has gone through the proper trials and is safe to use in general). Imagine if the kids with Polio had originally chosen not to take the vaccine; nowadays the illness is essentially gone because of the use of vaccines.
  • I am from Bangladesh, which is a third world country. Before WHO and the government stepped in, hundreds of kids used to die from preventable diseases like measles, small pox etc. My own cousin died from small pox at age of 2 because she didn't receive the vaccine on time. Hearing people in the 1st world country saying vaccines are harmful makes me really sad and angry at the same time.
  • @riggedgame1189
    Help, I have fallen victim of one of the many side effects of vaccines. Adulthood.
  • @alyssatuininga
    I actually really enjoyed this. I am pro-vaccine but I also believe that people should have choices and understand that this is a super complex issue. I had a bad reaction (allergic but not anaphylactic) to a certain vaccine as a young adult. It made me afraid to vaccinate my kids since we did not know what ingredient my reaction came from. Thankfully my family doctor was good at discussing risk versus benefit for each individual vaccine and each child. We both agreed to space things out and pay close attention to possible allergic reactions for each shot. We eventually got the kids fully vaccinated (minus the chicken pox shot which is what I reacted to).
  • @douglasrau5094
    Becoming a parent doesn’t grant you a medical degree or make you a therapist. You’re well-intentioned but to say that you know what will or won’t hurt your child from a medical standpoint better than someone who has spent their life studying medicine…no, you don’t. Respectfully, you don’t.