Published 2024-03-06

All Comments (21)
  • @zeroswat1762
    One thing I really like about alchemy as a power system is essentially any alchemist can do what any other alchemist can do, as long as they understand what they are doing and can recreate the transmutation circle. The only exception to this is people who have opened the gate. Also a unique form of alchemy Edward figured out is soul alchemy where he can kinda break the rules on a small scale at the cost of his own lifespan he can use his own soul as a 1 soul philosopher stone. Gotta love a universe where the most dangerous dude is a chemistry major with some chalk
  • @jedheron42
    Soul binding is always temporary. We saw this with Al near the end of the story and it was mentioned at laboratory 5 too. It's a short life span and while Greed speculated that with enough skill you could just switch from vessel to vessel as they rejected it this was never explored. Also Ed gave up his arm for Al's soul. Father points out that Truth always picks an ironic punishment. Ed wanted to stand and protect his mother and brother and Al wanted to feel his mother's warmth again. Sensei lost her ability to ever have another child and Mustang lost his ability to see a brighter future for Amestris.
  • @erka2222
    At around 4:20 you state "..Father is the thechnical power source for all alchemy in Amestris". This is not correct. What Father did was to extend tubes all along Amestris and he pumps philosopher stone in them to be able to "turn on/off" alchemy in the area. You can see this is the case because towards the end one of the biggest plots is them activating a nation wide circle to counter this "off" effect Father was sure to activate so they couldn't use alchemy. When the counter transmutation circle is activated you can see they are able to use alchemy again, and not only that but at a more powerful level because it wasn't being dumpened by Father anymore. Please refer to episode 61 from approximately 12:40 to 14:40. You can see the activation of the circle, the main characters being able to use alchemy again and the explanation Scar gives about what kind of energy source does each type of alchemy uses.
  • I simply want to say ever since I found your page a year ago, I cannot get enough of your content. Your research, presentation, voice presentation, and most importantly your undeniable passion in how you talk about everything presents in my opinion (and I watch A LOT of channels) the best anime content channel period. You even have me proud in saying that I am a weeb, and dang proud of that!! So keep up the good work, bless you, and I hope you keep growing and get everything you deserve buddy!!
  • @TheBigE9999
    Dunno where he's getting that Father powers all alchemy. The alchemists weren't lying, they get their power from tectonic movement. It's just that he spread his philosopher stone throughout Amestris, creating a barrier between the alchemists and the plates that he can turn on and off
  • @cbohnstedt4477
    Commander, my dude Father's Stone isn't the sole source of Amestrian alchemical energy. If it were, all Amestrian alchemy would produce red lightning. The tectonic plates thing is true, it's just that Father spread his Stone between the plates and the surface to throttle the power of Amestrian alchemists as he pleases. It's basically the exact opposite of what you said in the video Sincerely, Someone who's seen the series at least four times through.
  • @supdawg2173
    As for mustang, he isn't creating pure oxygen persay. He splits the water molecules in the air into hydrogen and oxygen, which then explosively recombine. This is necessary because pure oxygen won't burn without a fuel source, as it's an oxidizer.
  • @SalKhayer
    Idk if it counts as Alchemy, but Winry and Tifa both kickstarted puberty for me, so idk, that seems powerful if they can influence the real world outside of their anime universes.
  • Negative 20 points for not flexing while saying through the Armstrong family for generations. And yes I'm flexing while typing this.
  • @thatonedmguy1586
    I literally have just been rewatching FMAB, I can’t believe you’re making a video on it again!
  • @justklark5830
    Perfect timing , now I have something to watch on my lunch break
  • @tylerhurley8423
    FMA is the reason I got into more anime. Such a great show
  • @lucen3d
    I love the gun honorable mention 😊 Preciate this list nick