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Mr. Pizza Marlon

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Información sobre Mr. Pizza Marlon

The book of the prophet Isaiah at chapter 11 reveals how the earth will be under the rulership of Christ Jesus and his 144,000 kings when all human governments are soon destroyed. They will rule over the earth. (Da 2:44; Re 5:10) Isaiah tells us how no wicked will walk in the world and only the meek who want to learn about Jehovah God will be around to enjoy life in peace. No one or child will be harmed by man or beast. The knowledge of God will be taught globally. “The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah. (Isa 11:9)

Do you want to [live] in God's Kingdom when it arrives on Earth? (Mt 6:10) 🙏🏼 No wicked people or children to fear, and all the animals will not be afraid of us? This satanic system will soon end and only those who [support] God's Kingdom and put faith in Jesus's resurrection will live in paradise on Earth. Visit while available before the great tribulation starts. Once it begins, all Bible studies and visits will be canceled.

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