Are you constantly looking for the next thing? | Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle addresses the seeker's dilemma of trying to transcend the illusion of separation while fully resting in the present moment. He explains that seeking inherently implies that fulfillment lies in the future, which contradicts the essence of true realization. Eckhart Tolle emphasizes the importance of embracing the present moment fully, with an attitude of openness and acceptance towards whatever arises.

If you'd like to dive deeper into the topic of "Awakening" you can learn more with this special teaching of Eckhart's "The Awakening of Consciousness" here:

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About Eckhart:

Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most inspiring and visionary spiritual teachers in the world today. With his international bestsellers, The Power of Now and A New Earth—translated into more than 50 languages—he has introduced millions to the joy and freedom of living life in the present moment. The New York Times has described him as “the most popular spiritual author in the United States,” and in 2011, Watkins Review (now Watkins Mind Body Spirit) named him “the most spiritually influential person in the world.”

Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. His teachings focus on the significance and power of Presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking. Eckhart sees this awakening as the essential next step in human evolution.

コメント (21)
  • To overcome the urge to seek, I began to realize that everything is already inside. From that I have asked to be who I have always wanted to be. Knowing now that all that happens in my reality is what I need. Being present is always the very best way. 🙏
  • This was such a beautiful exchange. The young man’s smile as he was receiving his teaching was lit from within.
  • Wanting and seeking are egoic modes. Even seeking God or Awakening is an obstacle to finding God. Just Be. Focus the intensity towards the present moment rather than a mental projection
  • Almost 20 years of marriage now imploding, the woman I married two decades ago has been completely trapped by fear, contempt and bitterness, in her own mind. Fear of the future, perpetual defensiveness and a constant lamenting about the grievances of the past. Nothing ever gets resolved. Anything that gets added to the negative side of her mental ledger, never comes off. Nothing good in her life ever seems to matter and if it does, it isn't for long. Every time she recalls something that injured her ego, no matter how long ago it was, it's as if she is re-traumatized all over again. She puts on a false face for the rest of the world, which is how I ended up marrying her, but just under that facade is a truly miserable person. Nothing anyone can say or do will ever make a difference for her. She's completely trapped, inside her own ego, and steadily getting worse as she fades into mid-life, or old age, as it were. It's due to my living with her, trying to make things work and failing, then searching for answers, that I discovered Eckhart Tolle, Alan Watts, Shadguru and Ram Dass. I have cancer, I'm losing everything I've worked for, all my plans, hopes and aspirations. I'm losing my children, my home, essentially all of my property, and yet I owe my ex-wife a certain debt of gratitude. At least now, thanks to a change in perception, a shift in values, a stark realization or two - I have a chance to find real peace.
  • He's so cute and clear. I'm not seeking anything at 68, but I like to check in periodically with ET. Time well spent. 🥰
  • I generally have a hard time feeling gratitude. When I listen to Eckhart, I feel like I am filled with more gratitude than the world can hold.
  • The impression at this boys face made me remember the same face, full of satisfaction and joy, 25 years ago in my daughter's face, when she was 4 years old and I read a simple story from a children's book for her and she understood it. Her mind and soul were so satisfied that I saw the same face on her, full of gratitude and appreciation. I NEVER FORGET THAT MOMENT AND WILL TELL EVERYONE ABOUT IT AT HER WEDDING. Hopefully soon. You are AMAZING Meister, AMAZING. ❤
  • I appreciate Eckart's teachings because he seems to enjoy life, enjoy the moment. He has a sense of humour about things.
  • I have a balance when ET speaks. His conscious words of wisdom and his humorous words of laughter! 💯
  • Almost 2 million subscribers! Let’s elevate our collective consciousness 😊❤
  • I am the space that allows what is happening to be! How easy it is to forget that! Thank you,again, Ekhart🙏❤️for reminding me. I lost my husband a year ago to cancer and sometimes I get lost in the grief . Now I remember that I am not the grief I am the space that allows the grief to be. I am the space that allows everything to be as it is. I know the Peace that passes understanding, I am that peace. Thank you ❤
  • You're not the thought, youre not the are SPACE for the thought, or the emotion ❤💖💙🧡 mt favorite part. Im finally realizing i don't have to always chase the squirrels in my head!!😂
  • 1:34 Everyone is seeking. Even egos are seeking to be true self and fulfilment. 4:11 You seek spiritual fulfilment. But you carry the mind structure of seeking, become a spiritual seeker. Seeking implies future, seeking in time, not in space. You cannot get it in the next moment, Realisation is present moment realisation. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Who you are does not require time. Everything else does. Being yourself is not stopped by time. Time stops you from realising yourself. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 You devalue this moment. Next moment is only a thought in your head. 7:20 Actuality and present moment are one. Don't impose any judgment on any form that arises this moment. It already is. You have already arrived. 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 You are the space for it. You are not what happened. You are not the thought or emotion. You are the formless space of consciousness for thought and emotion. That's the end of seeking. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 9:30 Don't seek experience. You become aware of the background to all the experience, the space for all the experience. The stillness behind all experience that's covered up by mental noise. That's who you are. You become the opening. That's your fulfilment in life, be the opening, 11:20 More space comes through in between emotions and thoughts. Thanks Eckhart. 7 July 2024.
  • I'm from India and i enjoy your online presence and offcourse your mild spiritual jokes ❤
  • 🤍💙💚 Gracias Senior Elkhart! I am going to keep practicing. Have a great day everyone! ❤💛🤍
  • I HAVE to listen to you daily!😅 SO much to learn and practice, I love it! Thank you for All the Consciousness you are sharing Worldwide. ✨