House Committee Holds Impeachment Hearing for Secretary Mayorkas

The Republican-led House Committee on Homeland Security is holding a hearing Wednesday as the GOP moves forward with an effort to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. While Republicans have criticized the secretary’s handling of migration at the U.S.-Mexico border, Democrats say the impeachment threats are rooted in partisan politics.

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コメント (21)
  • @jjameson929
    The guy from India that got denied 4x it's still the legal system and to have 8 million people come across our borders that's wrong P-E-R-I-O-D Let's fix the system before letting more young men in than women. Why add more to a broken system.
  • Then why dont they do something about just need it for elections but do nothing 😂😂
  • Mayorkas should be in jail for jeopardizing our national security
  • @JustRhonda
    I'm so insulted by Mr. Payne's remark, "just say no"... Fentanyl is not a "just say no" issue, for the most part. It is NOT an issue of overdose when someone believes they are taking another medication or illicit drug and it's actually cut with or laced with fentanyl. Victim blaming, Mr. Payne, is insulting. SIT DOWN!
  • @kerihite8352
    Can anybody actually say honestly that our border is secure and we dont have millions and millions of illegal aliens roaming the country that could mean our country harm?
  • @docinparadise
    How ridiculous. Why would anyone create an “intentional crisis” when that hurts the party in power? And why wouldn’t the House bring a $70b border funding bill to the floor for a vote? Surely more funding would help. I’m not hearing any solutions, just fear farming and blame.
  • @jjameson929
    Trump Trump Trump gone for 3 yrs lol they were talking about impeaching Trump before he was even elected don't forget